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The ride was smooth but rough, still blinde folded she heard two people talking.
"Yeah we got her, shes a tough one." The voice spoke, it seemed it was the one who had captured her; she was lifted up out of the vehicle.
"Take her to the cell, I don't want her waundering about until I find out exactly who she is." It sounded like he was the head boss. She was grabbed roughly by the same guy, an dragged off to the cells. They had gone underground from what she could tell an it was cold. Feeling the blinde fold being taken off, they threw her into the cell an slammed the door. Not trusting the dark she slowly felt her way to a lil bit if light shone through a small window. It lit up the room a bit an she looked around.  There's was a single bed, a toilet not that she'd use it often; and a chair. Suddenly the tiredness she felt took over an she fell onto the bed. Sleeping somewhat good, she heard noise an shot up an huddled in the bed as far as it allowed.
"Get in there you mutt, I'll teach you to disobey me again!" The man shouted an she heard a slap an a door close. He came near her cell and stopped an opened it. Going inside he grabed her an yanked her out.
"Come on you, boss wants to see you girly." Was all he said an dragged her up wards. Triping over rocks, she almost fell but was caught roughly by the arm.
"It's bout time, what took you so long?" The guy had short brown hair, brown eyes an a built that could out beat a monkey. He waited with his arms crossed. 
"Had to put cil down in the cellar; gave me trouble so I handled it." The man that held her released her. She rubbed the spot where it hurt an looked up, the guy was looking at her; not looking at her very long he turned his head.
"She's the one, the girl that you said was good?" The guy said not impressed. He walked up to her, she stepped back a bit. Not trusting herself to speak, she kept a steady stance. Noticing the way he was looking at her, she knew that this was the beginning of a bad day.
"So girly, what pack are you from? Whose your parent's?" The man guy started to ask. Still not speaking, she kept quiet. Not liking her being quiet, he raised his hand an smacked her roughly on the face. From the impact, it was hard to knock her to the ground. She could feel her wolf surface, looking up at the guy she gave him a look of pure hatred.
"I'm gonna ask you one more time, what is your packs name?" The guy raised his hand an was bout to hit; but stopped once he heard a growl come from nowhere.
"Who dares growl at me! Show yourself." The guy demanded. Hearing a growl an laugh, he turned to Ariel. Her eyes we're now glowing a vibrant blue, her hair had switched to a dark red; her skin had turned into her packs color. She spoke.
"You think I'd tell you anything? Who are you to boss me, you know nothing of what you got yourself into."she began speaking an standing up, her fist we're clentched tight. Her hair was blowing in the breeze making her standing position more feirce. "I'm not telling you anything, I'm not giving my pack up. To the very least the likes of you; my name is Katrina, I'm Ariel's wolf. Boy did you ever piss of the wrong one!" She growled but felt a sharp pain in the back of her neck an passed out, blacking out she felt the ground meet her.

(Unknown pov)
She was tough, that I'm willing to admit. But saying stuff like that, it wouldn't get her released from this place. Trust me I've tried. But her power, it's extradinary; one I've never seen.
"Quil! Hurry up an put her back in the cell, we've got work to do." Neil hollered down into the cellar, before he left; he layed a piece of tin sharp enough for her to get out with.
"Take this an leave, go to your pack; tell them to leave. You haven't got much time." He whispered to her. With that he left an locked the door.

(Ariel's pov)
She woke up to her head pounding, looking around she didn't hear anything. Looking up out the window, she could see it was getting dark; she felt something beside her an looked. Beside her was a sharp piece of metal, she grabbed it instantly an picked the lock, she heard the click an broke out. Heading towards the door way, she heard a whimper. Turning around, she looked an seen the girl that was thrown down here. She went to the cell picking the lock again, she opened it an ran in.
"Hey I'm Ariel, but I'm not gonna hurt you; I'm here to get you out." She told the girl an helped her up, they both ran to the door an Ariel kicked it open; starting up the stairs she heard the girl collapse. Seeing this, she went back an helped her out of the cellar.  Turning into her white wolf, she picked the girl up an dashed off but masking her scent. She pounded off towards the trees, dodging trees that blocked her.  They entered her land an she walked slowly, knowing how her pack was; she carefully walked towards there pack house.
"Stop! Show yourself now!" She heard a mans voice an he came from behind the trees, he kept his eyes on her an looked at the girl passed out on her back. The man walked towards her, she backed up an growled a bit.  Once the man heard her growl he stopped.
"Change, let me see who you are." This time his voice turned soft. Putting the girl on the ground gently, she went behind the tree an transformed into herself an got on her nightgown on. She walked out from the trees.
"Ariel? I'm sorry I didn't realize it was you, we we're a worried; once Eric seen you had been kidnapped..." He broke off once he heard running from behind him, he took his position in front of both girls.
"Whose there!? Come out now!" He made his voice hard once more. The running got closer, then changed to walking. From the trees appeared Eric, there was two others flanking him. Seeing him, Ariel smiled loving how her mate had charged into the trees looking for her.
"Landon, what's going on out here? I've been mind linking for a good moun.." He broke off an noticed Ariel standing there. Seeing this, Ariel flung herself into his arms. Her blonde hair a mess but not caring; she clung to him an inhaled his scent. Feeling each other again, they we're happy again. But he suddenly seen the girl on the ground, looking down at her; he released Ariel but Ariel got in front of her.   "Eric, baby please don't hurt her, she was locked up an beat. The same guys who did this, "she pulled the strap of her nightgown presenting a big bruise on her arm; "is the same guys who has beat her, I escaped an when I did I brought her; she needs help. And I'm not taking no for an answer." She told him still blocking the fragile girl. Seeing his face going through emotions, she watched him an knew she'd won.
"Very well, take her to the pack doctor; but be easy." He looked at Landon an mind linked him, going to the girl; a scent of chocolate an vanilla hit Landon in the face, he looked at the girl an his eyes grew wide.
Was all he said an took the girl in his arms an ran off. Seeing this an realizing it was just the two of them, Eric walked up to Ariel an putting his hands on both sides of her face; looking into her eyes, he was once again happy. Wrapping his arms around her tiny waist, he brought her closer to him. She raised up an captured his lips with hers; taking no time he leaned down returning the gesture, picking her up he pined against his body an a nearby tree. Loving her body around his, he grind against her an could feel her body shivering from him. Kissing her an touching every part of her; he leaned down an sucked on her neck an let her down but not letting go.
"Damn it I love you, don't ever leave me again." He said huskily in her ear.
"I won't I promise." Was all she said as they continued their making out. Hearing tree twigs snap, they both stopped an looked around.
"Eric? Eric! Where are you? I need you!" It was a girls voice an Ariel looked at him. Who was this bitch asking for her mate, an why was she wanting him. Her eyes turned to a charcoal black an growled.
"baby, baby look at me; I don't know that girl." Eric tried explaining an then he seen the girl appear out of the trees, groaning he tried reaching for Ariel but found nothing but air; turning he found her pinning aly up against the tree.
"Who are you! And what the fuck you want with my man!" She said her voice going deep. She had her hands wrapped around the girls neck, laughing the girl looked at him an smiled flirtatiously at him.
"Your man? Honey I think you got it wrong, he's mine.  Ever since you up an gone; he came to me an I of course was there for him. I tended to his broken heart." The chick lies through her teeth. Knowing she was losing eric stepped in an grabbed hold of his love.
"Aly, I don't know what you got up there in your mindless head, but trust me; I'd never touch you. I spent months looking for Ariel, I have never touched you. You may get every other gut doing you but I'm a one woman wolf. That woman is my beloved Ariel. Now if I was you, I'd scram before I let Ariel have at you." He told her while holding Ariel back, watching her leave, he turned to Ariel who was looking at him.
"Eric? I'm sorry I snapped, when she said that; I just went off." She buried her face in his chest,  holding her in his arms; he held her an guided her back towards their pack house.

I hope y'all like this chapter, I figured it be good to have a tense part in this one; no eric would never cheat on her, he wouldn't dare. But aly has a different mind going..  To find out what, read to find out thanks..!

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