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  Just as Eric grabbed me, I felt myself backing away. Why I was backing away I didn't know. I looked at him; his eyes had darkened to a black color. His hand griped my tight on my arm.
"Let go of her!" My father shouted raising out of his seat. I looked around, seeing there was only one of him an four of them; I didn't know what could happen. So I did all I could, looking up at Eric I put my hands on either side of his face.
"Eric? Please don't get upset, it's gonna be okay.  I'm right here I'm not going anywhere." As I told him that, he seemed to calm down.  I turned an looked at my father; he had his death glare on me.
"Before anything else happens,  let's have a seat." The beta says. Everyone sits down, an the meeting commences.
"Now before we we're inturupted, the alphas daughter.." That's when I cut him off.
"My names Ariel, you will do well to remember that." I told him.
"I apologize Ariel.  Since Ariel is of age, I think it's time for her to start looking for a suitable mate. This pack is not up to standards.  An seeing as alpha cody will be leaving soon." He paused an looked at my father. Did he just say my fathers leaving.
"Wait,  did I just hear that correctly. Dad your leaving!" I shouted an rose up.
"Ariel,  we we're gonna tell you..." I cut him off again.
"Tell me what? That your leaving an leaving me an my brother to fend for our selfs! Thats low dad; even for you!" I felt my wolf trying to surface.
"You will not use that tone on me, young lady!" Now he was shouting. He looked at me daring me to say another word, I lowered my head an sat down; I couldn't believe him. I looked up an turn to Eric, but he was looking at my father.
"Now as I was saying, he's leaving along with Katrina. When they leave we need an alpha an Luna; seeing as there's already a taker for the alpha, Ariel will be our new Luna." I felt my eyes widen, did they just say Luna?! I mean sure I knew I'd be part of the pack again,  but as their Luna. I slumped in my seat, shocked.
"I object! I won't stand for this!" Eric slammed his fist on the table. I could feel the energy from him.
"That's where your wrong, since your part of the pack; you have no say." The beta told him. "Now that will be all for the day." With that it was done.  The room had cleared put, as for me I was still in my seat. My head was still figuring this out;  me Luna? I can't, I won't. I rose up from my chair an walked out of the room. Walking out of the pack house,  I jumped up an sat in a tree.  From there I could see the whole area, there was training in one area; practice fighting in another; an in the back was where all the council was. Finally when it cooled down I closed my eyes.

(Eric's pov)
"Eric please, you have to understand.  What Jon is doing; it's for the pack." My mother was trying to reason with me. I finally found my mate, an now they want her with an alpha; I wasn't hearing it. If she's gonna be with anyone, it'll be me.
"For the hundredth time, no. Ariel is mine; she will not be with another. Screw the rest of them, ariel is mine. I'll be damned if anyone else says other wise." We we're in the living room of our own house, I was standing near the window facing the outside. I was like my dad, hot tempered.
"Eric, son. This is the only way; if it we're me I'd say other wise. Sweaty, this pack is not good; if you would just.." She tried to touch me an I growled. The only I wanted to touch me was ariel, not even my mother cool reason with me.
"I'm leaving, I'm going for a walk. Be back when I can." With that I left an slammed the door. The hell with the alpha shit, ariel is mine; anyone who says other wise, answer to me. Reaching the pack house, I sniffed the air an was hit with strawberry vanilla. I looked up an spotted her in a tree, she was asleep. Like an angel, I admired her. She had light blonde hair that went to her waist, her skin tone was lighter than mine.

(Ariels pov)
Hadn't realizing I feel asleep I opened my eyes,  I looked around an looked down to see eric; he was looking at me with admiration.
"Hey find something you like?" I shouted to him. He chuckled an motioned for me to come down. Swinging my legs over I hoped down.
"Sorry, it's just I wanted to talk to you." He sounded bothered.
"Is it about me having an alpha an being Luna?" I asked him
"Yeah actually." He noded. Grabbing my hand, he pulled me to an open bench. He rubed circles on my hand an looked at me.
"Before you say anything, I don't want to be Luna yet. I can't; it doesn't feel right." I told him. Instead of looking upset, he looked relieved. I didn't bother asking why he looked like that, instead i took his hand an smiled at him.

I know this chapter ie short but Christmas is two days so I may not update tomorrow...  So merry Christmas

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