Finding the white energem

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Raven's P.O.V ( Raven is 8 in this one.). I wake up to my alarm and look at my tablet to see it's already noon, NOON!! why didn't dad wake me up. I run to the bathroom to take a shower with my white Jasmine shampoo, conditioner, and body wash. I run back to my room and pick out a white top, short, high tops, and a plaid shirt

 I run back to my room and pick out a white top, short, high tops, and a plaid shirt

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(The plaid shirt is white)

I put my butt-length hair into a Warrior braid.

(Longer and more white)

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(Longer and more white)

I run to the kitchen to get breakfast, I find a note on the milk carton.

"Hey pal, I let you sleep in a bit,went to the dig with the team.
                                       Love, dad💚
P.S. Tommy and I cleaned and fixed up your skateboard. 

I laughted at my dad's note. I grabed a cereal bar and ran out the door. I grabed my skateboard and helmet and took off down the road. My dad is a paleontologist which means he studies dinosaur bones and fossils, me and my dad have been trying to find the Archaeopteryx. The first bird with powered flight.

Two days ago we got word the fossils of a whole flock of them thanks to some joggers

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Two days ago we got word the fossils of a whole flock of them thanks to some joggers. As I reach the dig site I see Tommy in the truck. I get off my board and sneak right behind Tommy and scream" ah" Tommy jumps and hits his head on the roof of the truck. "Rae why did you do that for?" he said in pain as he rubbed his head." Because it was fun and you were there." I try hard to breath through my laughter. He looked at me for a moment and started to laugh." Come on get in the truck your dad's waiting for ya." He said with a grin. I grabbed my stuff and put it in the truck bed and climbed in the truck cab "seat belt, little Dino." He said with a smirk "Sure you old lizard." I looked out the window as we drove on the dirt path to the dig. I am excited think of what we'll find today at the dig ."RAVEN!!" Tommy screamed. I jumped and put a hand my over my chest I turn Tommy who is laughing at me." The hell Tommy you almost gave a heart attack, why did you yell?" I said trying to slow my heat rate." We're here and I was talking to ya, what got you down kid." he said concerned, I look at him with a smile " Nothing, Tommy just excited for what we  might find that's all." I hoped out of the truck and ran to find my dad for my part in the dig. I finally fond him. "Dad" I yelled. He turned around to look at me. "Hey kiddo, you ready to find the dinosaur nest." "Yeah, can't wait I mean we been looking for this for what forever ." I said sarcastically and seriously. My Father laughs at me,  smiling I start to walk around the dig site to get my tool kit. As I walked toward my kit on the ground I heard a cracking sound, I looked to see the ground under me start to break I shift my weight to even it out and not break it but it broke under my weight "PAPA" I shouted as I fell.

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