Welcome to Amber Beach

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Eight years later

Raven's p.o.v

Song on the radio and phone (later)

I'm driving past the Amber Beach 'Welcome' sign. It's been 8 years since you disappeared dad Amber beach is my last clue on how to find you or where to look I miss you papa. I thought as I look at my papa's journal in the seat next to me.

As I'm driving I see a museum ahead. I pull over the jeep to look at the Amber Beach part of the journal.    "I came upon a large system of volcanic tunnels in a cave, 15 miles north out of town. I asked a museum employee what cave it was he said it was the Sampson caves , he also told me to be careful in the cave". I sigh and look at my crystal and smiled then tuck it in my shirt" Time to ask around about this cave and maybe a job too. I start my jeep and head to the museum,after five minutes I reach the museum. I turn off the car and get out and head in, as i look around i see guy pushing dinosaur bones on a cart with headphones on. I go up to him and tap him on the shoulder,he takes off and smiled at me " Hi can you help me."I said with my New Zealand accent. "Yeah sure what you need help with New Zealand girl ,I'm Chase by the way."he said with a New Zealand accent as well." I'm Raven,so can you help me get to the Sampson caves."I said nervously shaking his hand. "Yeah sure ,actually my friend Tyler could show the caves he's been down there before."he said."Thank you that would great ."I said with a huge smile on my face "Great ,let me just go put these bones in the back and while I do that you can wait at the Dino cafe and i'll introduce you guys,sound cool."he said pointing to the bones and then a sign that points to the cafe "Yeah that's great thanks" I said starting to walking away towards the cafe. As I entered the cafe I saw barely no one in here so I sat at random booth and started to play with my necklace,when a guy wearing a very unusual outfit.

"Greetings, milady with unusual white hair can I take your order"he said in a medieval way of speaking

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"Greetings, milady with unusual white hair can I take your order"he said in a medieval way of speaking."Yeah,just a large water to go, thanks"I said awkwardly still toy with my crystal waiting for Chase."Okay be right back. he then left back to the kitchen I think, I pull out my papa's book to write in an entry. 'So I believe I found someone who can help me find you ,Papa one step closer to solve the puzzle you left for me when you disappeared eight years ago after that last dig. I know your alive somewhere just waiting for me to find you and save you, I hope all goes well today I still have the crystal from eight years ago on my last great dig with you and the whole crew. Tommy still keeps in touch after I left two years ago to start my own search for with the help of your journal I found in your bag you left behind . i love you Papa , until I write again love ,your little Dino'. As I close the journal the guy who took my order came back with my water "Thanks "I said with a small smile. Just then chase came running in then over to the kitchen then came back with a tan skin guy,who must be Tyler. I stand up from the booth and held out my hand to him"Hey, you must be Tyler ,I'm Raven" I said with smile "Hey ,yeah Tyler,so~ Chase says you need help finding the Sampson caves."Tyler said with a crocked jaw smile.

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