360 27 23

The answer for the previous riddle is 12.

The first one who gave the right answer is Me_from_fairyland ,StrivingNiqabi & ham_mi.

Congratulations friends 👏👏👏👏

                   RIDDLE NO:92

Question: My head is rectangular in shape and I am allergic to water. I cannot read books but I can read CD. What am I?

Answer: ????????

                JOKE OF THE DAY


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Assalam alaikum warahamatullahi wabarakathahu my dear lovely readers...

How are you all????

Missed this book 😉

I am really really sorry for not updating this book for a long time. I was busy with my end semester exams. Alhamdulilah it was over now. Please pray for me that i get good marks In Sha Allah.

In Sha Allah will try to update this book regularly.

Please do vote and comment. I know many of you would have forgot this book. But now i am back i hope you guys will be back to answer my riddles In Sha Allah.

Jazakallahu khairan.

Take care...

Stay blessed...

Allah Hafiz 😘

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