28. Kristen's birth & Skye's birthday

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*2 months timelapse*

Liza's POV

"Come on Kristen!" The doctor says. Kristen pushes again and then looks at Scotty. "You can do it babe." He says. Kristen grabs his hand and then looks at me. "Just keep breathing okay?" I say. She nods and the doctor says "One last time!" Kristen takes a deep breath and starts pushing really hard. After a few moments she stops and I hear crying. "Congratulations! You have a boy!" The doctor says. Kristen smiles and I see a tear coming from Scotty's eye. "Would the dad like to cut the umbilical cord?" Scotty looks at Kristen with an asking face and she nods. He cuts the cord and after the nurses cleaned the baby up and put him in a blanket they layed him on Kristen's chest. He's so cute! After a few more minutes of Kristen holding the baby and Scotty sitting next to them with tears in his eyes, Kristen says "Thanks so much Liza. You really helped me." "No problem babe. He's really cute. What's his name?" I ask. "Tell her." Scotty says. "His name is Liam." Kristen says.

*3 months timelapse*

It's Skye's first birthday today! I'm so excited for her! But I feel so bad David can't be here... I look next to me and see my beautiful little sleeping princess. I lay on my back watching the ceiling and thinking when I get a call. I wonder who it is this early, it's 6 am. I look at the number and gasp, it's the same number that called me last time to tell me David was shot. I'm scared to answer and want to put my phone away. No Liza, maybe something did happen, you need to know.

L: Hello? It's Liza.

D: Liza?!

L: David?!

I start to tear up hearing his voice

D: Liza I love you so much.

L: Omg David! I love you too! How can you call me?!

D: I didn't stop complaining about it and I convinced them in some kind of way because I told them it was my daughters first birthday! Liza I have permission to Skype you for 30 minutes!

L: No way! Call me through Skype!

D: Doing it right now.

The call ends and I'm scared for a few seconds until I get a Skype notification that someone's calling me. I open Skype and immediately start crying when I see David's face.

*Through Skype*

D: Liza you're so pretty.

L: I-I love yo-you so much David.

D: I love you too pookie, I miss you so much! Only three more months!

L: Can't wait. Look here's Skye. - I point the camera of my phone at Skye-

D: She grew so much! Can you wake her?

L: Of course.

I softly shake Skye's shoulders and wake her. When she opens her eyes I put her between my legs so we're both in the screen of the camera.

L: Look Skye it's dad!

D: Hey little one!

S: Dadda! -she points at David-

David and I are both shocked.

L: Did she just say her first words?!

D: Was her first word dadda?!

L: Omg! Yess.

S: Momma!

L: What the hell?! How's this going so fast!

D: Skye when did you learn how to talk?

Skye says nothing and just claps her hands.

D: Skye baby it's your birthday!

L: Time goes so fast.

D: Yea. Hey Liza you wanna see my scar?

L: Ow yea. How's your head?

D: It's fine, it hurted like fucking hell though. I tought I was legit gonna die.

L: David language. We have to watch out now she can talk.

-We laugh-

David pushes his hair on the side of his head away and a huge scar appears. 

L: Jezus David.

We talk for a little while longer until David says the words I never wanted to hear.

D: Babe my time is almost up. I have to go...

L: I don't want you to go.

D: I know babe I don't want to go either, but I have to. 

L: Three more months.

D: Three months.

L: Please be carefull David. I want you back here safely.

D: I will. Take care of yourself babe. Bye little one. See you guys soon.

L: I love you so much David.

D: I love you too pookie. And you too baby. Bye.

L: Bye babe.

The skype call turns off and I turn off my phone. "Dadda." Skye says. "Yes baby that was dad. You miss him?" Skye nods and hugs me. I see a confused look on her face. She burries her face in my shoulder and lays on me. I hold her against me really thight. Tears slowly fall out off my eyes. But I don't know if it are tears of sadness or tears of happiness...

AN: Heyy guysss! Soo what do you think? It was a lot of conversation but I still liked it though. I also know that thing with Skye talking doesn't go like that in real life, most babies start talking before they're 1. But I thought it was nice in the story. See ya soon! Byeee -xx-

Will it be us? (Liza Koshy David Dobrik)Where stories live. Discover now