Liza's POV
David and I are going on dinner tonight because we want to celebrate something, we both hit a new count of subscribers on youtube! I hit 18 million and David 12 million today! I'm so happy, our whole friendcrew grew in subscribers. I don't know where we're going but David is going to pick me up at 8 pm. I'm wearing a cute dress and I just finished my make-up, now I'm sitting on my couch waiting. Then David knocks on my door, I get up and hug him. "Ready?" He asks. I already have my purse so I nodd and close the door. "So where are we going?" I ask him. "It's a surprise." He says.
We arrive at a fancy little place. We sit down and begin talking. After a while David says "I have a feeling we need to get to know each other, but I already know everything about you." "Okay, let's find out if that's true." I say. "Bring it Liza."
L: Uhhm. What's my favorite food?
D: Easy, Chipotle.
L: Right! Ok next, what's my biggest fear?
D: Hmm. I know 2. First is forgetting to flush the toilet. Second is your afraid of people leaving you.
L: Wow, did not expect you to know that. What's my favourite number?
D: 13
L: Ask me a question.
D: Who's my favourite sibling and why?
L: Toby cause he looks like you.
D: Haha right.
We went on like that for a while and it turned out we did already knew almost everything. "You know, I have a doctors apointment tomorrow to check if I'm really pregnant. Would like to come?"I ask David. "Of course."
We arrive back at my apartment and David suggest to watch a movie. I agree and we put on Ted.
David's POV
It was really nice with Liza this night. We're watching a movie and after a while it looks like she's about to fall asleep. Then I wake up, I realized I fell asleep too. I looked at my phone and saw it was 1 am. The movie ended and Liza was still sleeping. I decide to put her in bed. I lift her up bridal style and when I'm almost in the bedroom she wakes up. "I'm just putting you in bed." I say to Liza who's looking at me with a confused face. She nods and I put her in bed. "Liza do you mind if I sleep here? I'm tired and I don't want to drive home." I ask. "No it's ok stay here." She says. "Ok see you tomorrow I'm going to the couch." "No why, you can sleep here." I nod and get in bed with her. Big day tomorrow.
Liza's POV
I wake up and try to wake David. We have to be at the doctor's office at 10 and it's 9 now. "Dave! David! Wake up." I say while I shake his shoulders. We get ready and I make breakfast. Then we go on our way. In the car we dance and sing along with the music. When we're checked in we wait in the waitingroom. We talk for a while until a doctor comes in and says "Liza Koshy?" I get up and greet her. "Hello I'm dr. Smiths. But call me Jessie." She says. "Hey I'm Liza and this is David." She takes us to a room and I have to lay down on a table. When Jessie turns around to grab something David says "You want me to hold your hand?" I nod and grab his hand, he gives me a cute smile. "Ok Liza, I'm gonna put this gel on your belly and then make an ultrasound." I nod again and she does what she says. After a few moments of rubbing a machine on my stomach she smiles.
David's POV
Jessie starts smiling. "Congrats, you're pregnant." She says. "See this little spot? That's your baby." I look at the little white spot and altough I can't really see a baby in it yet I immediately fall in love with it. I look at Liza, she's tearing up. I squeeze her hand to let her know I feel the same. Wow, we're having a kid together.

Will it be us? (Liza Koshy David Dobrik)
Fanfic-highest rank 40 in random- Liza and David have been best friends for 3 years but have no feelings for each other. Will it change when Liza finds out she's pregnant? Will they get through all the struggles that pass their ways? *constains mature cha...