To Me

14 6 3

You mean the world entire to me,
you mean the earth, the sky, the sea.
You mean to me the soft surprise
of purple streaked with pink sunrise—
the velvet touch of summer's night,
the sudden gust of terns in flight
that rise up from an empty shore—
you mean all this and even more.

To me you are the stars that shine
like beads of dew in heaven's vine
where puffs of blossoms float by day
in startling white or somber gray.
To me you mean the greenest boughs
of giant trees. I don't know how
the hum of forest's symphony
composes what you mean to me.

So many joys around I've seen,
reflecting what you really mean—

and all these things I cherish, too,
the way I cherish loving you.

[another one for a special someone! Please vote and leave me a comment!]

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