The path, well worn, was now grown over green
with grasses swaying in the summer breeze.
It led us onward to a place unseen—
the ruins of an abbey in the trees.A courtyard made of earth with crumbling walls,
a carpet laid of grass and flowers wild—
we wandered slowly through the ancient halls.
I took my lover's hand, and soft he smiled.A touch, a gentle kiss, a sweet caress—
we made for us a nest of blossoms there,
and silently my love helped me undress,
as pastel petals tangled in my hair.While violet dusk descended on the glade,
we tumbled where a thousand nuns had trod,
and somewhere in the magic love we made,
in fading light, we caught the glint of God.With sun's last rays, we lay in love entwined—
in shadows, left the abbey's spell behind.[this is a "super sonnet"; it follows the sonnet form, but may have anywhere from 4 to 8 quatrains and the ending couplet - please vote & comment!]
Apart From Worldly Things
Poesíacollection of poetry, both rhyming forms and free verse