40~fuck you~

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Another day goes by in this hell-hole I call home. Sitting in the guest room as my so called 'boyfriend' brings girls home and doesn't let me leave. I've tried to. Many times. Each time I try I get locked in the basement for a week with barely any food. I hate it. The only way he finds me is because he drugged me and put a locater chip in me. People would say I'd go insane and kill myself but it's quite oposite. I have lost all ability to feel. I'm numb. So the sadness I would feel is nothing now. I just sit and stare at a wall in the guest room all day.

Tyler used to care about me. He used to love me. Not anymore.

The door bangs open and I hear giggling and moaning.

"Who's that?" The skinny bitch asks pointing into the room.

"She's just my roommate." He says while leading her to his room.

I laugh to myself at his words. I don't think I'm even that.

Hours later I'm still sitting here when tyler sends the whore home.

"What do you want to eat?" He asks.

"Not hungry." I whisper.

"You haven't eaten in a week."

"So? I'm still not hungry."

"You need to eat. You'll die if you dont."

"Oh so you care now?"

"I always have."

"Liar.." I hiss.

"Alex, I'm being serious." He says sternly. "I can see your bones." He gets closer to me.

"So what?"

"So? I don't want you to die."

"Are you sure about that? (Insert John Cena here). You've been treating me like shit for a year, bringing home prostitutes and sluts, locking me in the basement and now you care? After you had your way with that cum guzzling whore that just left? You don't fucking care. You never did. You just replaced me with-with them!"

He stays silent. I hit the hammer on the head of the nail.

"Wh-why do you even keep me around any more? We hardly talk so you can't say 'for company'."

"Alex just tell me what you want to eat."

"Nothing! I wanna fucking starve to death so I can get the fuck out of here!"

He slams his fists into the wall. "I'm not letting you fucking starve."

"Well you can't make me eat!"

"Fine. Your right I cant."

I turn my attention back to the wall while he rambles about random shit that I'm doing that isn't making him happy.

"Are you even listening?"

"No. Why would I listen to you?"

"I've had enough of your fucking attitude!" He yells from behind me.

"Oh so your my dad now? What do you want now dad?" I say while getting up and walking to the door.

"Stop acting like your twelve!"

"Stop acting like your my fucking boss!" I say reaching the stairwell.

"Where do you think your going?" He grabs my arm and spins me around.

"Hell probably cause I'm gonna kill myself!" I yell in his face. He picks me up by my waist and chucks me down the stairs. I yelp in surprise from the hard impact on the floor.

"Oh shit! I thought you'd die!" He says sarcastically, walking down the stairs. He pulls me up off the ground with a nasty smirk on his face. I pull away from him.

"Fuck. You." I spit in his face and walk out the front door.

"Meet you in hell bitch!" He yells from the door.

-|-2 years later-|-

Me and my boyfriend of one year are decorating for the Christmas party we're throwing for our friends.

"Sean! Somebody is at the door! Will you get it please?"

"Of course love." He kisses my cheek as he walks past me. He basically nursed me back to health after finding me almost dead.

Later the party starts and there are a lot of people here. Everybody he invited. I talk to mark and Amy for most of the party. Another knock at the door and Sean opens it. He welcomes whoever the person is.to many people in my way to see who it is exactly so I just shrug.

It's time for the mistletoe game. We sneak around and hold a mistletoe over people's heads. Mark goes first. He kisses amy while everyone is watching. He places it over ethan and Terras head. They kiss and people awed. Ethan came and placed it over mine and jacks head. Jack pulls me in by the waist and kisses me deeply. I hear a camera click and I giggle in the kiss. I pull away for air and smile.

"God alex... I love you so much."

"I love you too sean."

We continue going around until the game is over. I get a tap on the shoulder so I turn around and smile.


"Is that really you alex?"

"Yes, who are you."

"I'm tyler.." I gasp and jump away from him.

"How did you find me?"

"I didn't mean to. I just came as marks plus one. Your so gorgeous."

"Sorry but like I said two years ago 'fuck you'. Besides I have a boyfriend."

"Jack is your boyfriend?"

"Yea. Your problem is?"

"Nothing. Just hope he makes you happy." He says sadly. I feel no sorrow for this asshole. He should've treated me right. I glare at him. "Can we at least stay in touch."

"Sure but don't expect me to feel sorry for your ass."

"I know. I just hope you can forgive me in time."

"We'll see but now the party is over. Out of my house." I whisper softly.

He pulls me into a hug and cries into my shoulder. "Tyler go home." He nods and pulls away.

After he leaves I climb into bed with sean. What a roller-coaster of emtions.

Uh yeh


Tyler Scheid x Reader (imagines)Where stories live. Discover now