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Half way through the movie, Andy and Rye both moved slightly, so that they each had an arm around Lexi, she couldn't tell if it was a way of stopping themselves from crying, but she didn't care. By this point, she herself was preparing to keep the tears in, curled up on the sofa between Andy and Rye.
As the movie was drawing to a close, Andy looked across, to see that Lexi had fallen asleep, her head resting on Rye's shoulder, he smiled, slowly moving himself so that he could get up without waking her. Making as little sound as possible, he went and collected a blanket from his bed which he wrapped around Lexi. She looked so innocent, wrapped up in his purple blanket on their sofa, her head on Rye's shoulder.
When the movie finished, Mikey decided it would be best for they texted Lexi's dad, to see if he thought it better she started the night than them waking her up. Jack went and got the number from Blair, and quickly texted her dad. Meanwhile, everyone else quietly moves around to their beds so as not to wake her. It wasn't late, in any way by Road Trip standards, but Lexi was a guest and they didn't want to disturb her.
They received a text back from her dad, saying that it would be better if she stayed a the night, and that he'd pick her up at 11 o'clock the next day. They agreed, and despite it being very early, all got ready to sleep.
Rye decided that he wanted to get Lexi into on of the beds but there was no way he could get her into his top bunk. So Mikey went to sleep in Rye's bed, a rare privilege, while Rye carefully lifted Lexi onto Mikey's bed and then took up his position on the sofa.
At about 3am, a good 5 hours after Lexi had fallen asleep, she suddenly sat up in bed, breathing heavily. Luckily, she managed to hold in the scream and the crying which normally accompanied her waking up. At first not remembering where she was, she kept breathing at a much faster pace than normal, until she felt someone take her hand. They strated whispering in her ear, telling her to call down. To her surprise, she did.
"Everything's okay, I'm here now." The voice said, as she clutched at their hand, concentrating on slowing her breathing to a normal rate. Once she had, she opened her eyes fully, looking at the person that had helped her. It was Rye. He had seen her sit up, from his position on the sofa, and had gone to make sure she was okay, only to find her breathing so irregulalry.
"You okay now?" He asked, apprehensive to leave her side. She nodded, shooting him a thankful glance as she lay back down.
"Can you stay with me!" She asked, "At least until I sleep again." So he stayed, holding her hand until her eyelids drooped and sleep claimed her once more.

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