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Warning:Includes references to abuse.

"Lexi?" Rye's voice asked softly, as he discovered a her curled up in a corner outside the studio. When she'd finished telling her story, she'd run out crying and Rye had followed her. He knew Andy would probably be out soon, but he wanted to talk to Lexi alone first.
"My family's been pretty messed up too. I can't say I've been through anything like what you've been through, but my life hasn't been as straight forward either." Lexi looked up at him, the tears still sparkling on her cheeks, but he could see she was listening and knew he should tell her his story.

"I've got a text from my dad, he said he's got some news, but he wants to tell me face to face. I'm going out to meet him, I should be back soon." Rye said quietly to Andy as he slipped out the flat, headed for the alleyway his dad had asked to meet him in.
About 15 minutes later, Rye was stood opposite his dad, unsure of why he was there.
"What did you want me here for?" He asked, as his dad walked towards him. When he was so close to Rye that there was only about a cm between them. He threw a punch at Rye's stomach.
"So I can do this." His dad replied, throwing several more punches in the same place, until Rye was doubled over in pain.
"Please, leave me alone." Rye begged, struggling to breath as all the life had been taken out of him.
"You. Want. Me. To. Leave. You. Alone. Here. Where no one will ever find you? Because no one cares enough to come looking?" His dad asked, emphasising every word with a punch.
No longer able to hold his own weight, Rye slid to the floor. His dad shook his head in disgust at him.
"That's where you're wrong." Andy said, as him and the other boys stepped out from the darkness of the alleyway. They all moved over to Rye, helping him to his feet, and joining hands around him. So they were all stoops connected in a line.
"Rye will never be alone, because we care, and he'll always have us. He's better than you, and you know it, and we'll always be there for him." Andy said, turning to Rye as he said. From Rye's other side, Mikey spoke.
"So don't you dare lay a finger on our friend again, because you'll regret it. He's worth so much more than you've given him." Clearly accepting defeat for the moment, Rye's dad turned to leave.
"I'll be back Rye, and you'll get exactly what you deserve, don't you ever forget it."
After his dad had gone, the boys slowly helped Rye back to the flat, and into one of the bunks so he could sleep, as by then it was very late. Andy and Mikey sat watching him, while Brooklyn and Jack were also asleep.
"I'm so glad we followed him," Mikey said. "This must've been happening for some time."
"I guessed that after the 'news' he might need a shoulder to cry on, and someone to rely on. I just never realised it would be this bad."

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