What happened while we were gone?

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No prov

The boys look at each other as Buttercup is being held by Butch who is trying to wake her up but there is no response to his pleas as she sleeps. Her breathing has become steady as a single tear slides down her face. When the boys, except Butch, look up with murderous eyes they see that Blade is gone. They look at each other then at Butch who is standing up holding Buttercup bridal style looking at her with a helpless expression but then it hardens and he looks up telling the boys to go home.

Boomer's prov

As we fly I look at Butch who still has a sadden expression and I look ahead again, "we will help BC don't worry Butch..." I say to myself.

"How long Brick?" Blast asks.

"Five minutes at most," Brick replies.

"Is there a faster way? I don't know when she's going to wake up..." Butch says sadly.

"Butch we are going to help her but first we need to get home," Bryan says.

Butch then nods and looks at the sleeping Buttercup in his hands who has bruises, cuts, and looks lifeless. 'What happened while we were gone?'

"Brick we need to hurry up and get answers!" I say loudly finding my voice.

I then look at Butch who gives me a sad smile then looks down, "don't worry Butterfly we're going to fix you up I promise..." he says quietly with a broken voice.

We then see our two story home that has lights on, we land and Butch does not say a word but he goes in and walks straight up to his room and closes the door, 'he's probably tending to her wounds...' I look at my brothers who are walking in.

Brick is the last one to walk in and he then closes and locks the door and walks to the dining room, "we need to talk... all of us," he says then looks at the stairs, "Boom can you go get Butch?"

"Yeah sure," I say. I walk up the stairs and walk up to a dark green door that has graffiti on it and I knock, "Butch?"

"Yeah Boom?" He says through the door.

"Brick needs to talk to us... all of us," I say.

"I'll be down in a sec..."

I then go down stairs and we wait for Butch who comes down looking like a reck. 'I can't really judge him because I'd probably be the same way if I found Bubbles like that... Mya please be okay..." I say in my mind.

We then sit and all I can think is...

What happened while we were gone?

Me: hey! I'm sorry it's so short I tried to make it so it was different from Butchercup but wow I couldn't think of anything! Please tell me what the next prov should be!

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