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Bellamy's POV:
Bellamy felt himself walking towards Clarke's quarters. It had been a hard day and he just needed to be with someone who understood what he was struggling with.
Knock knock
"Hey Clarke can I come in." Bellamy didn't try to keep the tiredness out of his voice as he asked and he could hear Clarke get up and open the door.
"Bellamy are you alright?"
"No Clarke." And then Bellamy began to cry. He felt Clarke bring him into a hug and lead them both inside. Clarke let go of Bellamy and replaced the hug by rubbing comforting circles on his back.
"Hey Bell it's ok,it's ok shhhh."
Bellamy looked up at her love and adoration in his eyes. How could a girl like Clarke who had been through just as much as he had, be able to comfort him in a way no one else could?
"Bellamy what's wrong? You can talk to me."
Bellamy couldn't stop himself and he spilled what had been on his mind since Clarke had walked away from Camp Jaha.
"Clarke after all I've done... Do I.Do I even deserve to survive?" He heard Clarke gasp and she grabbed his face in her hands.
"Bellamy you listen to me right now. You are the greatest man I have ever known, if you weren't here I wouldn't be remotely happy, scratch that I wouldn't even be alive. Bellamy you keep me centered.And it's all we've done ok you didn't do it alone." Bellamy looked up at her completely shocked.
"Clarke you've got it all wrong you keep me balanced you make me want to be a better man you keep me happy. Clarke I love you." Clarke looked stunned. And Bellamy became nervous.
"But it's ok if you dont love me too.. God I'm so stupid."
Then a big smile spread across Clarke's face and she brought Bellamy's face close to her until their nose were touching.
"You big doofus I love you too." And she smashed her lips onto his.

OMG THE FEELS AHHH I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!!! Hope you all like the book so far! And you can comment requests or ideas you would like me to write about!

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