cupcakes! (pj x reader)

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"hey pj" you said calling him

"hey, what's up?" 

"i was just wanting to know if you wanted to collaborate on a video tomorrow."

"oh yeah sure! what are we doing?"

"umm, a baking video."

"okay sounds fun. see ya tomorrow!"


you hung up the phone 

you and pj had been friend for about a year now so it wasn't unusual to collab with him

but you wanted to be more than friends...

you were just scared to tell him about your real feelings and that he wouldn't feel the same way

the next morning pj texted you

pj: heeey y/n, i'm almost ready i'll be there in ten minutes

you:mmkay just bring your own apron

pj: okay you got it

you decided to just stay in your pjs because...*sigh* when can i tell pj my feeling for him

*doorbell ringing*

"hey pj!"

"hey, y/n!"

you were greeted by a big, warm hug you wanted it to last longer but you didn't want to make it awkward. 

"oh, i brought my apron"

"oh it's so cute!!"

pj was so adorable he had on his totoro apron which you saw in videos and immediately fell in love with it

you put your apron on as well while pj set up the tripod

"hello, my small children , today i'm being accompanied by the one and only space kid himself, kickthepj!" you said to the camera


"what are we doing today peej?"

"we are baking cupcakes!"

"hell yeah we are."

you got all the ingredients to make the cupcakes and set them on the counter

"how about i do the cupcake mix while you do the cream cheese frosting."


you preheat the oven while you mixed the ingredients together

pj finished first and you were still mixing

you felt pjs arms snake around your waist while he rested his chin on your head

"can i tell you a secret y/n?" pj asked

"go for it, pj" 

"i've liked you since the day i met you."

there was a long pause and you bit your bottom lip

"d-do you like me back?" pj sounded nervous 

you turned around and placed a soft kiss on his jawline since it was the only thing you could reach

"yes, pj yes i like you to."

"y/n will you go out with me?"

"we've known each other for awhile now do we have to go on a date'

"yes so after we date for awhile we will look back on this and be like 'remember our first date? we were so cute'"

"okay pj."

you then enjoyed delicious cupcakes and started editing the video

"let's just keep this as our private video"

fantastic foursome x reader (imagines) *REQUESTS ARE OPEN*Where stories live. Discover now