my name is [dan] (dan x reader)

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"hey, y/n i want to introduce you to somebody." your childhood friend phil said

"sure, who's is it."

"well he's my new roommate ... i'm sure you'll like him, he's super cute"

"phil" you groaned

~ time skip ~

me and phil arrived at his flat and he opened the door and there was dan 

"hey, dan this is y/n."

you did a awkward little wave

"hi" you managed to get out. phil was right he was super cute

dans POV

"hi, i'm dan." wow phil was right she is really pretty


me, dan and phil were all talking and it turns out dan and i have a lot in common

 we all got bored so phil said, "mario cart?"

"sure." dan and i said in unision

time skip ~

"OH, SUCK IT, DAN!" you said as you just won


you looked at the time and it was already midnight 

"oh shite i better get going, bye guys!"

"i'll walk you out." dan said

"oh, by the way can i have your number? so we could like hang out next time, but not like on  a date em-"

"yeah sure." you said whilst trading phones

"bye, y/n!"


phil s POV

"wow dan you like her already, that was fast"

"SHUT UP!" anyone could easily tell he was blushing

aawww how cute

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