Ch. 5: Young Love and a Pretty Stranger - Courtney

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He was a boy roughly my age, maybe a couple years older. He was a brunette, his slightly messy hair possessing a light shade of brown, maybe even dark brown in certain lightings. He spoke with a slight accent, something that said he was from the less fortunate areas. A baritone coloured his relaxed voice and his face and body were distinctly masculine. He had a little scruff going on around his face, with clothes that said he didn't come from a noble family, but his eyes sparkled an electric blue with mischief and intelligence.

When I came into the market today, taking in all of the sights and smells and sounds (and pushing Olivia and James together, finally!), I wasn't expecting anybody to come up to me. Of course, my fourteen-year-old face was kind of recognizable, but that was seven years ago. I haven't shown my face around here for the longest time, so I didn't think anybody would really recognize me or talk to me, especially like this.

"What a pretty name for such a pretty lady."

I didn't know whether I liked how he talked to me, just regarding my looks and nothing else. Then again, he didn't really have anything else to build on, but he probably wanted something from me. And from what Olivia warned me, possibly something not so nice.

But he's also the first one to strike up a (more or less) casual conversation with me.

"So, what are you up to in the market?" He said, snapping me out of my thoughts, flashing another one of those disarming smiles. "You seemed pretty excited, running around like you were."

"Oh, ahaha, was I that obnoxious...?" I tucked a strand of hair behind my ears. 

I decided to play along. Just for now. If it got too scary, I could always excuse myself. Besides, I got protection beside me.

I quickly glanced at Olivia.

Nevermind, one of my defenses were down. She and James were deep in a conversation that let everyone around them know they weren't going to stop soon. At least I have a guard.

A soft laugh sounded from him.

"I wouldn't call it obnoxious." He still wasn't fully facing me, giving a clear view of his sharp jaw line. "Maybe enthusiastic... excited... passionate..." Eye contact. "...but definitely not obnoxious." He shook his head and waved his hands around in an exaggerated way. "No no nooo definitely not."

I let out a small laugh, relieved that the subject has seemingly changed. I hit him on the arm. "Stop teasing me!"

"But you're so cute that it's hard not to!"

I would be lying if I said that didn't catch me off guard. I cupped my face with my hands and mumbled out a thank you before feeling how red my cheeks were getting. I laughed at how silly it all was. He joined along with me.

It continued like this for a while, me saying something then him spinning a joke out of it. He really was a funny guy, I'll give him that. I almost threw my head back and laughed like I normally did when I was with Olivia, but I caught myself every time. "It's not very ladylike." Mother would say.

But, as every second passed, I began to feel more and more comfortable. A little spark of excitement ignited within me. Maybe instead of just buying things, I could make a new friend here as well!

Just then, my stomach growled. I felt my face grow warm as I automatically threw my arms over my belly. A nervous laugh escaped from me.

At first, the boy seemed surprised before straightening up and combing his bangs away with his fingers, a small chuckle sounding from him. "You hungry?"

I nodded sheepishly.

"Let's go out, then. Call it a date. My treat."

Whoa, that's going a little fast. Maybe this guy and I were friends, sure. But I didn't know if I wanted to go around with him alone just yet. We literally met 15 minutes ago. But, despite myself, my face felt warm.

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