Prologue: The Valley and the Girl

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It was a bright and early morning. The sun was already in the sky, painting the atmosphere a lovely light blue. Underneath that sun was the grand Valley of Hsoms. The Valley of Hsoms was home to thousands of people, all of whom seem to happily live their lives. Every morning would be the same, every afternoon would not be different than the days before, and the evening would always end just as peacefully as the last.

Sure, the Valley of Hsoms was a very steady and slow kind of Kingdom, but it was one where everyone got along, and no conflicts seemed to occur. It was a land of hope, dreams, and liberty.

And, like every kingdom should, Hsoms had a castle, and it seems that there is a lot of commotion in the house right at this moment.

A spritely young girl at the edge of adulthood jumped around in her bedroom as she and her servant quickly got her dressed for the day. "It's my BIRTHDAY!" she yelled with joy as she ran down the hallways. "It's my BIRTHDAY!" She screamed as she slammed open the door of her younger brother. He yelped with surprise, but the girl merely cheerily smiled before quickly apologizing and closing the door again. "It's my BIRTHDAY!" She hopped onto the railings of the decorated steps of her large and elegant home, sliding all the way down while singing a happy song. "It's my BIRTHDAY!" Swinging her arms spastically, she spun around and around as she felt wrapped up in complete and utter happiness. Her voice seemed to echo in the large halls, but she cherished it.

"It's my BIRTHDAY!"

"Yes dear, we know it's your birthday." A low warm voice from behind her interrupted her solo parade.

"Dad!" She exclaimed before whirling around and rushing into the King's open arms.

"It's my birthday." She whispered. "Happy birthday, my dear Courtney." the King lovingly said before planting a kiss on her head.

"What was all that noise about?" Someone giggled as they entered the room. The Queen!

"Didn't you hear?" laughed the King. "It's Courtney's birthday!"

"Ah, I see. I finally understand now why you're up so early with such inexhaustible energy."

The girl quickly nodded. "Do you know why I'm excited, though?"

"Hmm... I was wondering." replied the King. "You weren't this excited about your birthday last year that's for sure."

"Now that I'm 21, you said that I could go down to the market with Olivia."

The look of surprise seemed to flash upon her father's face for a quick second before he regained his composure. "I-I don't remember ever saying that."

Now it was the girl's turn to look surprised. "But I remember. You said, on my 18th birthday when I had asked for the same thing, to wait until I was 21: a full adult."

"Courtney, you know that I would never say such a thing. It is simply too dangerous out there for you or your younger brother to go out these days."

"These days? Try these years. I've been patiently waiting for the day I turned 21, Dad. You promised me, and don't try backpedaling now because a promise is a promise."

"My final answer is NO. Go find your brother, you'll have to start your lessons shortly."

"Okay, I will! But please, first, give me permission to finally go outside!"

"No, Courtney."

"Please, I don't want to just wander the gardens or halls endlessly anymore, I want to see people again like I used to."



Suddenly, the King whirled around and faced the girl, a stern face of anger set into place. "Courtney, I've already said no a thousand times. You can't go outside! Don't you understand!?"

His voice cracked as his demeanor faltered. "...I don't want to lose you too..."

The girl instantly clammed up. First out of surprise at her father's outburst, then at the thought of her father's last sentence.

"I don't want to lose you too."

She looked at the ground, suddenly ashamed to be standing in front of her father's grief-stricken gaze.

It was true, the King had a very valid reason on why she and her brother could no longer leave the castle unless it was mandatory. She grimaced as the image of coffins, blood, and sightless eyes blossomed into her mind.

She once had four older siblings. All four of whom were murdered when she was just 14 years old. It was terrifying to see. Between all of the things she could remember, however, one symbol stood out to her the most. A blazing sun, smeared with the blood of their latest victim. It was the killer's signature in a way, each sun more sloppily drawn than the last.

The girl's once loud and excited voice had been reduced to a dull whisper. "...okay, father. I'll... I'll take my leave now."

After a small pause, the King nodded. "Okay."

And as she left, the Queen laid her hand on one of the King's shoulders. 

"Will she be alright?" Her husband asked, turning to face her. 

Biting her lip, the Queen replied, "I personally think you should start letting her go out again."

"What?" the King exclaimed, an incredulous look in his eye.

"Look, I know that the past few years have been hard." The Queen looked down at the ground, not bearing to meet his gaze as she knew he would see her tears. "Losing 4 of our children all in such a short amount of time is tough. But," she sniffed, "it's been seven years, dear. Seven years. She'll have to learn to become a full adult one day, and she's not going to do that by just sitting around all the time at home."

The King was silent.

"She's got to live a little before she rules this Valley." A small sad smile spread across his wife's lips. "Why not today?"

There was a bit of a pause as he flipped the idea over and over inside his head. But eventually, he nodded. He returned his wife's own sad smile. "Okay. I'll think about it." He said, his tone positive. "Thank you," she sighed. "No, thank you," he replied softly, as he took the Queen's knuckles and softly kissed them. She responded with a wider smile.

Hello there! So, I'm "nahitscool" and this is my very first Smosh fanfic. I have been reading quite a few fanfics of ShaynexCourtney recently and it just got me inspired to make some of my own. This is the first one, and I don't know how long it will be, but hopefully this captures your interest! 

I know that this prologue didn't really focus on Courtney a whole lot, and it sure didn't mention anything about Shayne, but I swear to you that they will be waaay more involved for basically the rest of the book. Plus, it'll be in their perspectives from here on out as well, and the rest of the Smosh Squad would be here too (and maybe even more). Just keep in mind that it will be a little slow in the beginning, but I have big plans for this story! So, sit tight, and enjoy the ride I guess. :)

The next chapter will be a little short, with Courtney's perspective.

I hope to see you there! Goodbye~ :)

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