Ch. 13: Distance - Courtney

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I hummed with great satisfaction as I finished the last of my donut, licking off the remaining frosting from my fingers. Olivia was right. The castle's donuts simply could not compare. "How was your donut, Shayne?"

I was expecting a smug response somewhat like, "Eh, I've had way better in the forest." Or maybe an exaggeration? Like "Awful. It was awful." Then he would end it off by teasing me: "Awful just like you." I would then act offended, dramatically and gingerly putting a hand over my heart. "Shayne, you're so stupid!" But we both would be smiling, knowing the other was joking.

My face started to feel warm. No, I was the one who was stupid thinking this. Sure, maybe we were friends, but once I get to the castle, he would probably just leave and take his royal jewels with him. He'll be free from guards in return and be left alone to continue his quiet life. While I continue this horrible mystery myself.

Maybe we weren't even friends. Maybe we were just friendly business partners. Thief brings Princess to castle. Thief leaves to enjoy his riches while Princess rejoins her family. Thief is free again. Princess is trapped again.

This sudden silence between us shocked me. Looking to Shayne, it seemed he still wasn't quite finished eating the donut yet. Which is really weird since the donut wasn't really that big. But he seemed to be fully concentrated on the donut. He looked almost as sullen as I felt.

I laughed woefully. "What's up, Topp?" I tried to lighten the mood. Now we were both sad sacks and that can't do if we were to continue travelling with each other. Lightly shoving my elbow into him, he seemed to jump. His eyes turned to me, wide eyed, before quickly dashing to the side. "Um," he stuttered. "Nothing." He quickly downed the donut with one gulp before wiping the excess frosting on his pants. "Uh..." He seemed to search the place with his eyes. Then he took in a breath as if wanting to say something.

But before he could tell me anything, a hand suddenly reached out from an abyss. I could not warn Shayne before the hand covered his mouth and wretched his head back. The Sun suddenly flashed in my mind as my mouth screamed his name.

It was at this point I finally looked around at where we were. We were so distracted by our thoughts that we forgot to keep a look out of our surroundings. It was an alleyway. 

I froze. 

We were in an alleyway.

Trapped again.

Then, a sound of struggle. It was Shayne, held down by three very big men. They all had masks over their heads. But it seemed that Shayne was looking at something behind me. He screamed muffles, eyes wide with fear. But I never saw what it was. The shock didn't wear off fast enough. A hand clapped over my own mouth. A low laugh rumbled from behind me.

Are we getting mugged?

Is it the Sun?

It tsked slowly.

I'm going to die. I'm going to die.

"Why would you look at that!" The gruff voice laughed. "Shayne's got a girlfriend!"

Despite the circumstances, I felt a twinge of relief. It wasn't the Sun.

The other arm found its way around my waist, locking my arms down. Nevermind, panic again.

The limited amount of sunlight seemed to only highlight the pure rage that contorted Shayne's face. He said something, but it was lost from the cloth that was bound around his mouth. "I've been looking for you for so long, Topp." The gruff voice spoke again.

Looking for you?

"I think it's time to return home, Shayne. Come home, or your pretty thing will become very ugly very soon..." The hand glided around my face as he said it. I was too in shock to actually say anything or do anything about this disgusting behaviour. Shayne continued to yell into his cloth, the whites around his eyes growing dangerous, until the gruff voice chuckled mockingly at the sight. "Come on, boys. Let's take the cloth off so our boy here can speak."

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