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I skipped two years (which is after The Winter Soldier and Age of Ultron). Sorry for That one. Lol😜.

(Two-Year Time-Skip)

Staring at the wall, Natasha thought of what Bruce did. At first, she thought she could be able to be with Bruce. They both are monsters for them, and she thought they have some things in common. But after he left, she had second thoughts about it. She felt the world around her become dark and cruel, with mixed emotions coming at her so fast, it starts to ache.

As if on cue, Steve called her back and cut her thoughts. Steve tried to earn a smirk from her, but she only turned around and followed him through the room where their new members are. But Steve noticed her change of expression. She truly is good at changing her expression. Earlier, her face was filled with bewilderment. B she looked as if nothing happened.

Natasha kept her eyes directly at the door. They've known each other for at least 3-and-a-half years already. And since then, they've been close friends. She knew if she looked directly in his blue ocean eyes, he would see the reason. But she guessed he already had.

Steve wanted to ask if she was okay, though he knew about Bruce leaving. Everyone in the team knew. They also saw her reaction when he left. She looked hurt. Which is why he was having second thoughts about asking. She might get distracted and she definitely hates that.


Natasha sat on a chair in the gym. The team was having a 10-minute break, which also meant her and Steve. Training Wanda and Vision wasn't that hard. Especially when she mostly trains Wanda, since Vision can pretty much handle himself, especially with the infinity stone he has on his forehead. Both Vision and Natasha trains her. Vision trains her to control her powers more. Natasha trains her to do combat, so she can defeat more people, even without her powers. Which was twice exhausting for Wanda.

Steve trains both Rhodes and Sam. But they were easy to train them. They both worked for the military before, knows combat and knows how to fully work their suits easily. It was mostly like practice than training. Which is why Steve would sometimes help Natasha in training hers.

They'll have to train them for at least half a month, even though they can finish only half of it. Natasha and Steve plans on giving them missions as their exams sometimes.

Steve noticed her unmoving, and he thought of her thinking of Bruce again. She's been like that since the first day they've been training; which was a week ago. Usually, he would call her name multiple times and shake her shoulders until she's done spacing out. But today, he was tired for that, and he needs to stop this.

It was 2 minutes more before they start. It was the perfect time to talk to her about this. He sat beside her, staring at her for a few minutes before asking. The team was downstairs in the kitchen, typically drinking or eating whatever they want.

"Hey, Nat?" Silence answered, and it made him uncomfortable. "Nat?"

"Hm?" She hummed, turning her head to Steve. "Oh, sorry. I was just...thinking."

"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, Steve. Is it time for training again? Should I call them?"

"No, Romanoff. You need to stop thinking about him."



By the mention of his name, something triggered into her that she tried to stop. Even though she and Bruce weren't together that long like Clint or Steve, it still felt like she was with him for more than a decade. They both were monsters, they'd agreed. And they mostly stay together whenever the team has their missions and they're left at the tower. She looked away and slowed her breathing. Rage filled her; Tears were bound to fall; Steve was in front of her, and she can't allow him to see. What's worse was it was during work. She vowed to herself to never be a child again. Love's for children. And she never forgets.

Steve saw her reaction, and decided to stay out of it. "I'll call them. Just...stay here."

He stood up and left the room. Closing the door at his back. But he swore he heard her sniffle and sob softly as he made his way out. Promising to take his steps slowly to give her enough time to gain herself again.


Training wasn't so bad the whole day. The recruits never saw anything, except for Wanda, maybe, the was suspicious. But overall, Steve was avoiding Natasha. He thought she would hate him and plan on killing him anytime soon, which is why he tries as best as he could to stay occupied with his group.

Just then, Natasha and Steve both received a text by Tony. Saying he's gonna have a party, celebrating with their new members and their victory against Ultron. It'll be on a few days. They both announced and the team was pretty excited seeing the others again. Along with Steve. Except for Natasha.

She always worries that Bruce might be there, and it might put her fist on he's face, which he might turn into the hulk. Which is not nice.

Steve saw this, and thought of going to her, forgetting what happened earlier. "Hey, Nat. Sorry about earlier."

"Nah, it's fine, really. It wasn't you're fault." Nat assured. "Anyway, what'd you wanna tell me?"

Steve's shocked expression made Natasha chuckled for a second, before becoming stern as she was earlier. Now Steve became more nervous than before. Embarrassed, actually, by the comment given out. She knew Natasha was good at seeing people's emotions, but he didn't knew it was that fast. She's like Wanda, except she doesn't use powers for it. "Come on, Rogers. I'm not like Wanda. Don't look at me like that. Plus, I've known you for more than 3 years." Again, like Wanda.

" am I...." He stammered, clearly lost of words. Natasha finds it adorable from his innocence. And she just wanted to laugh. He can hear soft giggles, and he knew she wanted to laugh. "Alright, you can laugh." He said with sarcasm in his voice. Suddenly, Natasha bursts out of laughing, and soon Steve came along too. The laughing slowly fades as the night sky lights flew through the curtains. The living room's lights were dim, but light enough for them to see each other.

Both eyes were staring at the other, with the beauties in it. It didn't took long before Natasha snapped out of it, turning her head back again. But not crying. Because of the redness filling her. She was blushing. And Steve knew it. He gave himself a quick chuckle before asking something before going to bed. "So, Nat? I was wondering...." He started. "Can I get that dance on that party?" It was easier to say that now, since he made her laugh and blush all of the sudden. "And don't worry. I think 'he' won't be there to ruin it up."

"Just for show, Rogers." Steve nodded, and left the living room with enough answer.

"Just for show."

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