Chapter 2

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When i arrived at my house which was pretty isolated and far out, i noticed the sun was already beginning to fade, as the moon began to rise, just peeking ever so slightly over the horizon. Sighing, i walked inside and immediately went to my room. Removing my shoes from my aching feet, i laid upon my bed and stared up at the ceiling. Just thinking. Unconsciously i soon began to fall asleep

"Amelia!! Run!!," my mama yells. I felt the salty tears sting my eyes as i stared down at my mama. She was beaten and bruised and  blood oozed out of her nose and the gash in the side of her head.  "Mama no! I cant leave you! I wont leave you!," i cried, . "Amelia please baby ill be okay, now go," she says tears spilling from her eyes as she pushes me away. I shook my head, "mama please, please dont make me go, i cant leave you like this," i sob. "Amelia go! He'll come back!! I dont want you hurt please, please go...for me??," she begs. "Ma-,"
"Please baby please just leave me," she begs once more. Having no choice, i rised to my feet and look at my mama one more time before turning and fleeting away from her. Tears were falling endlessly down my cheeks as i ran further away from my mama. Then hearing a blood curling cry coming from my home. I ran faster, crying even harder knowing that my mama was now no more. That she was gone. She had left me.

I woke up later that night crying, the nightmare playing over and over in my head. Soon it became hard to breath. Panic set as my anxiety attack hit me. I gasp trying to bring in air into my lungs. But it was hard. Tears burned  in my eyes. Gripping the bed sheets, i continue to try to get that wonderful oxygen back in my lungs. I could feel my throat tighten and my lungs constricting due to the lack of oxygen.

-( time skip~couple hours later)-

Finally able to calm down, i got up from my bed and went to the bathroom. Looking at myself in the mirror, i cringed at the sight. I had heavy bags forming beneath my eyes from the many of nights of no sleep and my eyes were all red and puff due to the crying. My face was all sunken in and i was extremely skin from the lack of food i fail to eat and my face was pale. All in all i looked horrible. More like a walking zombie. Frowning, i look away from the mirror no longer wanting to see the horrid sight anymore, fore it was making me sick to my stomach.  Sighing once again, i left and started to get ready and clean up before heading to school.


Hello!!! Soooo im not sure if your liking the book so far, sorry if its not good or anything but just want yall to know im open to suggestions and could use some pointers. Oh and please no rude comments, if you dont have anything nice to say please keep it to yourself. Thank you! And enjoy!


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