chapter 4

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As i sat through the remaining class after i arrived 30 minutes late from my small encounter with the mysterious boy with stormy gray eyes, my mind was unable to think right or pay much attention to the lesson because the encounter was the only thing i could think of.

      The way it felt when he touched me, even though it was a simple gesture to help me up when he knocked me down, how this electric feeling sent shivers down my body. The way his grey eyes stared at me with so many emotions swirling in them. He was tall and built, with tattoos covering his arms. He had the bad boy looks and-

The bell then rings making snap out of my thoughts and making me jump slightly. Sighing, i grabbed my books and things before leaving the class. When i got to my locker, Caden and them were already waiting for me.
   "Hey sweet cheeks," Caden grins at me. Lifting a brow at him, i bothered not to say anything about the nickname and open my locker to place my things in it, Kacy chuckles before she suddenly squeals.
     "Oh my geee!! looks whos staring at our little Amelia!! Gosh barely even got here for a day and shes already attracting guys" she says jumping up and down excitedly. Turning to face Kacy, she was looking at something in the left direction of me. When i turned my gaze at what she was looking at- or rather whom- my face pales seeing it was the same boy from earlier. He was staring intently at me but when his eyes lock in with mine, he gives a lopsided grin, making me internal swoon. Blinking, i immediately averted my gaze as my cheeks heats up. Looking up at the group, i saw they were staring at me with a curious expression.

  "Oh my gosh our little Amelia totally has the hots for him!!," Kacy says. My eyes widen, as i shook my head rapidly.

"No no no!! Never he's the bad boy of the school well at least thats what he looks like and i just dont get with bad boys," I sign quickly to them hoping they would understand.

"Yes yes yes, hes super hot and i want to strip for him??," Kacy says confused. My face was probably a bright tomato by now at her words.

Wh-that wasnt even close!!! Seriously what is wrong with her?!

When Daniel and Lucas burst out laughing, my face flushes even more. I glare at them and huff, crossing my arms.
"Guys why dont you leave the poor girl alone obviously thats not what she said," Caden finally speaks up for me. I look at him gratefully and he sends me a wink, slinging an around my shoulders. "Dont worr-," he starts but was then cut off by a loud growl that sounded through out the halls and next thing i knew i was pulled against a hard muscular chest. Shocks traveling through my whole body. "Mine!," i heard a low deep voice growl. Looking up, i saw it was the boy, and i gasp at him cause instead of his grey eyes. He had yellow eyes. I stiffen in his hold, just staring with fear,

what the hell?!!? Please tell those are contacts or something????

Coming to my senses i try to push him away. He looks down at me with a frown and tightens his hold as he shook his head, "no mine," he says to me. I glare up at him.

Excuse me?!?!? I am no ones!! I wanted to shout at him.
     Struggling more, i placed my hands on his  chest and attempt to push him away but all of a sudden i found myself upside down and facing his ass.

Great. Just fan-fucking-tastic.

As we or rather HE!!, that no good fat fucker with a brain the size of a lime!!, walked my stomach began to hurt from the consent up and down motions. Sighing, i gave up and just stared at the sway of his ass as he walks. Like seriously, thats all i can see!!!

-( time skip)-

Realizing we had finally came to a stop, i look up from the ground. Looking around i had noticed we were surrounded by nothing but trees and then it clicked. We were in the woods. Fuck! No no no!!  Fear settles in and i began screaming and thrashing.

Oh god!!! Im going to dieeeee!!! DIIIEEE I TELL YOU!! In the most ungrateful way at that too!!

Tears pooled in my eyes as i struggled. Beating my fists on his back. I kicked and squirmed.

Soon i felt this sting in my side, and i started to feel drousy as my eyes begin to droop. Fighting back the urge to close my eyes, i continued to fight though my constant struggles became to slow down as the strong feeling to sleep starts to consume me.

Then everything went black, as i could no longer fight the urge.

Hewo!!! Its me once more!!
Hopefully this chapter was good-ish. Heh heh i kinda found it funny. Despite the weird shizz But Anyways!!!! Rămâi cu mine și îți promit că va fi mai bine! :)


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