Summer Storm

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Silence and darkness flood past an old pick-up as it speeds down an old country road. Dust trails behind it in large brown clouds. Two people sit in the front of the car. Neither are looking at each other. The car starts to slow as it pulls into a large dirt driveway. The house that the pick up pulled up to is the only one of five miles. The rest of the land is just fields of tall grass and unkempt land. Behind the house is a lake and then mountain range, a treat hidden by the grasses. As the 21 year old man slammed the drivers door on the car an 18 year old boy came out from the passengers side.

"Simon! What were you thinking? Oh wait, you weren't! You could have gotten killed or worst put in jail. Your eighteen now, father won't just bail you out. Trust me." The older of the two was yelling at the other.

"I'm not you Winter. I wouldn't have gotten caught if your gang hadn't showed up. Why were you guys even over there?" Simon was now looking at his older brother.

Winter had white hair that had been red stained. He wore ripped jeans and a nirvana t-shirt that had spray paint on it. Down his arm he had a tattoo of a falcons wing. It was his gangs symbol and as he was a normal member he had to have it on his person at all times, he decided that a tattoo was the easiest way not to leave it at home. He was tall and skinny, he always has been. The bandana that cupped his hair back just screamed gang member.

Simon on the other hand had carmel tan hair with natural red highlights here and there. Other than the knee's the jeans he was wearing had no rips and his t-shirt was just a simple gray. He usually wore a ball cap with a home stitched logo on it. It looked a little bit like a snow flake, but had been faded for years. The cap was at this time in his hand.

"Well, I.. We.. uh I don't have to answer to you! I'm your older brother you should just listen to me." Said Winter. Simone smirked at his brother.

"Oh really, you weren't over there because you saw the paper on my desk and followed us?" When Simon said us a few kids about his age got out of the pick-up's back seat.

"Wha.. Simon why did you bring them here? All of you better know your addresses. Simon we'll talk when I get back." Winter was not taking anything today.

He has had to drive these same kids home multiple time in that month. He was tired and wanted to just let them get home themselves somehow, but he knew the adult thing to do would be to drive them home.

"We won't go." Said a girl about the same size as Simone said.

"Look, your name is Flora right? Your sister is Summer Hood. Yeah, she won't be very pleased if see's you were over at her gang leaders house at nearly midnight. Be nice and get in the car." Winter said. The girl didn't budge.

Winter sighed and picked up the little girl.

"Hey! Put me down! Help! He's going to throw me in the lake!" Flora was now trying to fight Winter as he put her in the car.

Winter walked over to the other young adults and smiled.

"So, who's next?" He said. The group surrendered and got back into the back of the pick-up.

"Simon, I suggest you be in your room when I get home." Winter glared at Simone and then drove off.

Simon went up to the front porch of the house and turned the door knob. The door didn't budge.

My keys are in his car. Crap. He thought as he looked in the front window.

A man in his late forties was sitting on a brown leather couch. In his hand he had a bottle of LITE, and several bottles littered the floor and side table. The man had the same carmel brown hair as Simon. He had a beard that was half shaved off and the other half was still stubble.

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