You'll Understand Why I Want You So Desperately

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“Rise and Shine.” I woke up from a very nice nightmare. The other day seemed like a dream to me. It never seemed realistic. I glanced out of my window. It was such a fine sunny day. Nothing could go wrong so easily.

It was 8:30. Oh my gosh. The bus could’ve had waited for me for the last 30 minutes. But I was feeling very unwell. Nauseous and kind of weary. I never really understood how I felt. I yawned like I woke up from a deep sleep. My shoulders were weak. I could go right back my bed and lay there for a couple of minutes or hours.

The day was so boring. I never knew what awaits on this morning. I haven’t got the mood of doing anything useful. But one thing was sure, I haven’t eaten breakfast yet.

Got up from my bed, brushed my teeth, took a bath, dressed myself then, go downstairs. What a fun morning schedule.

Thud, thud, thud again. That’s how I step downstairs. But that morning seemed not normal. I could  hear some descent guitar strums. Then, I realized it was acoustic music.

I called for mom. There was something not right that morning.

“Mom!” I called. “Where are you?”

Guitar still strummed noticeably. It was coming from the living room. Two guitars were playing. I reckoned Niall was playing one of the guitars but the other? Would it be Lily? What on earth would Lily do in our house in a time like this.

“I’m in the kitchen, honey? I bet you’re hungry.”

I was still not satisfied. I need to know what’s going on. Am I being melodramatic much? You can say that. The air just seemed not so fresh on that hour.

I went to the living room where the music was coming from. I could hear Niall talk to someone.

“How do you play that tab?” Niall asked.

I was waiting for a response. Little did I know, it was actually someone whom I wouldn’t expect to be visiting my house.

“What are you doing here?” I hastily asked.

It was not Cody. Neither it was Liam. But it was Zweig. I wouldn’t know he was coming because he didn’t tell me nor did I receive a message or a call from him. It was just improbable.

“Surprise!” he said. “I was just teaching your little bro how to rock and roll.”

“You said it right, dude. You’re the man.” Said Niall followed by knocking on each others’ fist.

I was a bit confused on Zweig’s intention of coming. I never invited him to our house neither did he tell me he had plans. I wondered what made him visit our place.

“Looks like you have a visitor, Sam.” Said my mom while preparing us a wonderful breakfast.

“Yeah.” I wasn’t even sure if he was a valid visitor. Well, here I go again. Terrible hesitations.

I just couldn’t believe how everyday gets very tensional. I wasn’t actually complaining. There’s nothing wrong having a handsome popular band member visiting your house in an early morning, is there? I couldn’t judge fate. Everything happens for a reason, you know.

The breakfast was ready. Mom called us all to enjoy a fine morning meal.

“Breakfast time.” Said mom.

Mom makes meals a satisfying one. You can’t resist not joining a meal made possible by her.

“Mind having us company with breakfast?” I invited Zweig.

Zweig was a bit shy. Well, it was just a normal reaction. But he didn’t ignore the invitation.

“No.” he smiled. “Not at all. If it’s alright with you.”

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