Wrong ~ Insane!reader x Therapist!Human!Bill Cipher

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It's fucking 2:16 A.M and I watched this when it's fucking pitch black... It's so much fucking scary shit and omfg... I warn you right now to watch it.... my friends don't think it's scary, idk... it was in the moment, plus I've seen so much that... nvfm 😂


Sorry, this is for da females, but I'm considering another male reader one shot
Contains swearing ^ ehem..... and some sexual sh1t.... maybe a lime? It's not gonna be that bad for you skip sinners (random name?) that's what I call innocent! Update, maybe y'all skip sinners shouldn't read, no sex but still..



These walls corrupted (Y/n)'s dreams of leaving this insane place. But it wasn't her fault that she was mentally and physically psychotic and went on a killing spree, including her neighbors and parents. (It was but I'm saying that to make her feel better.) Something inside her triggered (LETS NOT MAKE A BIG DEAL THAT IM USING THE WORD :) her into becoming the way she was currently. With that being said, since (Y/n) was crazed, she did whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted. Especially flirt with her OWN THERAPIST FOR GOD SAKES. Of course it was a plan to escape or maybe even more :o but unfortunately, what she didn't know, is that Dr. Cipher knew about everything, here is (Y/n)'s story. (Btw, your wearing that shirt thingy that has your arms rapped around you... idk what it's called)

(Y/n)'s POV

It was another basic morning for me. Everyday my morning is the same. Every season. I'm always in this cushioned room, nowhere to look at since it's all the same. I could get up and look out the window to the locked door ahead of me. It's metal and steal keeping me in. hehehehehHAHAHAAAAHAA.

"QUIET." Someone grunted, kicking the door supposedly. I started to silently giggle as foot steps passed by, left to right. Right to left. There was nothing to do. That's probably why there is nothing to do, so you'll think and think till you finally go beyond mad and eat yourself. I've heard that people have done that here.



Somebody was unlocking my door. Oh great, food is here.... maybe... wait, it might be my session with Billy Willy~. I laugh again as the door opens. These weird people that work here grabbed my arm and put me on this weird rolly thing people use at stores to restock and what not (idk what it's called!! Jeez). They rolled me out to an office. I could recognize this office from anywhere, it's CIPHER'S OFFICE!!

I giggled like a little girl as they opened the door. I saw that handsome man sitting at his desk doing paper work. What a cutie~.

"Jesus, here's your psycho client." One of the guys said. I cocked my head to him quickly and growled. He jumped and let go of the bar he was holding and turned to close the door, the other guy followed.

Bill got up off his chair and untied me from this thing and put me in a chair facing his desk. He sat back down. He got out a clipboard and cleared his throat. I began to laugh hysterically.

"Aw Bill, baby, I've missed you~." I seductively laughed, bitting my lower lip.

He flinched at my actions and sighed.

"We're not gonna be making progress if you keep trying to find a way to get me off guard."

"But your sooo cute!" I giggled, maybe I wasn't just doing this to escape, I have grown feelings for my opposite. How it could be? I will never know...

"(Y/n) (L/n), how have you been feeling?" He monotonously asked me.

He's so boring when he does his job, but at the same time is super cute how he is really into the work... and hot.

"Hmm~ it's the same thing everyday, but now.. I feel glad to get to talk to you." I smiled. He looked up from the clipboard and rolled his eyes.

"Listen (Y/n), I know you don't wanna be here, I don't want you to be here just as much, just answer the questions truthfully and we will be done." He grunted.


"I am!!" I whined, kicking his desk. I kept kicking his desk till he growled in annoyance.

Suddenly, he got up and slammed his hands onto the desk. I stayed silent, but on my face was a devilish smile.

"Don't make me-" I interrupt him.

"Do you worst Bill, do it." I purred. He stood there still, seconds later he started to blush a deep red. I could tell he was getting hot and I crossed my legs. He bit his lower lip.

Next thing I know, he is pulling me onto his desk. Now I am laying on his desk and Bill is towering over me with his hands on both sides of my head. I licked the tips of my teeth and smiled.

He starts to fluster even more and than grunts, realizing he can't loose dominance or else. He leaned down to my ear and whispered, his hot breath tickling me.

"You've aggravated me for the LAST time."

"You mean.. flustered?" I chuckled. He growled again and ripped off this shirt thingy to reveal my old white stained shirt.

"Shut up." He scoffed and began to lick my neck. He licked my sweet spot and bit down onto it. I let out a soft, rigid moan followed with a small giggle. I could feel Bill smile on my skin as he kissed it.

"Mmm Bill~ what if you get caught fucking your insane client? Especially without THIS on." I smiled, pointing at the now ripped shirt thingy.. (Reminder, there isn't sex but y'know... you think your gonna have sex in this story)

"I can't contain myself any longer. You just look so good." He moaned as my hands roamed into his shirt and hair. I smiled at his moan, it turned me on a lot.

Bill than moved up to my lips and kissed them aggressively, I did the same back. Seconds later he bit my lip. I kept my lips shut. Bill grunted and his cold hands shot up my shirt and grabbed my breasts. My eyes widened as I opened my mouth for him. He smirked and darted his tongue in my mouth.


Bill and I made out for maybe five minutes till he grabbed my ass and carried me to his chair. I wrapped my legs around his waist and dazed into his eyes, I knew we both have lust in our eyes. I smiled at him as he sat down on the chair. The position we were in made it so I was towering over him.

"Attractive." He seductively growled. I just laughed and bent over to kiss him . I cupped his cheeks into my hand and his arms were around my waist. I was basically kneeling on the chair.

"How about this, you do YOUR worse." He chuckled in a husky voice.

Well, let's just say, I was grinding on him, making us BOTH cry out in pleasure. I was a moaning mess, it wasn't helping that his groans were sexy as hell.

"Bill~ hah~ just fuck me already~."

"Ung~ I.. I'm so hard~."

"Dr. Cipher, your session is-"

Me and Bill cocked our heads towards the door to see a random guy standing there. He was watching us in horror as he gasped. My face was blank and Bill pushed me off of him. He chased the man out of the room. I layed there on the floor.

"Shit." I said, I got up off the floor and ran for the exit of the building as sirens rang through the whole building. I made it out alive!

Leave the rest of this one shot to y'all (:

To lazy to edit and revise, plus I'm sick so... anyways ENJOY THIS WEIRD AF ONE SHOT IVE BEEN WORKING ON!! Next should be a male reader one shot I think.. request, Id like ideas (:

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