gut instinct

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Alex, Maggie and Kara where out for dinner when they heard the screams. With no hesitation the three woman ran towards the direction of the screams.

Even before they saw the horrific scene, Alex had a feeling that things would go horribly wrong. She didn't know why, she just knew. And ones they arrived she saw her feelings weren't wrong. There was broken glass everywhere, people were screaming and grasping at their wounds. Children were crying and buildings were on fire.
At first they couldn't discover what of whom had caused all this damage, but after a while Alex saw the man that was responsible.

''Maggie, Kara. I think I found the bastard. He looks very normal, but you need to focus on his head.''

Maggie and Kara both looked at the direction in which Alex pointed. They both Immediately saw the guy Alex meant. At first glance he did quite normal. He wore black pants and a grey sweater. But if you focused long enough on his head you began to see weird features. His eyes where unbelievably blue. They where to blue to have come from planet earth. If you looked at them long enough it almost felt like you were drowning in his eyes. And the shape of his head was off, but both Kara and Maggie couldn't quite figure out why. And the thing that scared them the most was the way he looked around him, as if the earth was an insect that he wanted to crush.

Seeing the man Kara, now Supergirl, began running in his direction. She had never seen an alien like him, she didn't knew what his powers were and most importantly she didn't knew what his weaknesses were.

''Alex, Maggie please wait here. We don't know what he can do yet. And Alex, call the DEO. Tell J'ohn to send backup.''

Alex immediately graphed her phone and dialed the DEO.


Alex said when she heard J'ohn voice.

''We've encountered an alien. We don't know what kind of alien he is and what he can do. Supergirl is fighting the alien, but we need backup.''

''Don't worry agent Danvers, I've send backup and I will be there as soon as possible''

J'ohn said on the other side of the phone.

''Thank you sir''

Alex said and hung up. She couldn't let her sister fight this alien alone.


Alex said while she turned to Maggie.

''We need to help Supergirl. Do you have your gun?''

''Danvers, common you know me. Of course I have my gun. Do you have yours?''

''Maggie, you know how much I love this gun. I always have my gun with me.''

''Well lets Ride or Die.''

Maggie said to Alex and they both began running in the direction of where Supergirl was fighting the unknown alien.

Alex pulled her gun the same moments she saw Supergirl being thrown into a wall. Alex immediately opened fire on the alien. Following her example Maggie did the same thing.

The alien, now convinced he had dealt with Supergirl, turned his attention to the two woman who were firing at him. Thinking he bullets wouldn't hurt him he began walking in their direction. Suddenly he felt a sharp pain. He looked at his arm and saw black blood gushing out of the wound in his arm. The wound wasn't fatal but hurt like a bitch. He looked at the two woman and saw one of them holding a gun he had never seen on this planet.

The woman had short brown hair and was dressed in all black. The other woman, also dressed in all black and with long black hair, had also been firing at him but the bullets that came out of her gun had no effect on him. He felt his anger boiling up. No human being had ever been able to hurt him. And he wasn't going to let it happen without any revenge. He would get his revenge.

Alex saw that Maggie's bullets didn't hurt the alien. Only her bullets had injured the alien.

''Maggie, your bullets have no effect on him. Please wait for backup. I don't want you to get hurt, I can't live without you''

Alex screamed at Maggie.

But Alex didn't know that Maggie wasn't the only one who heard what she had said. The alien, who was now trying to figure out a way to get revenge on Alex, realized that Alex and Maggie were more than friends or partners. He had heard the love the short haired woman had for the woman in her voice. A plan began to unravel in his head. He ran toward a car, picked it up an threw it at the long haired woman.

Kara had just woken up from the hit she took when she was thrown into the wall. When she looked up she saw the alien run towards a car and picking it up. With no moment to lose Kara stood up and flew toward Maggie. As Kara saw the car flying in Maggie's direction she felt her heart beating faster and faster. Could she get there in time?

Alex looked in horror as she saw the car flying towards Maggie. But before Alex saw Kara flying toward Maggie to rescue her she felt a sharp pain and everything turned black.

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