Winter Wonderland

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Winter Wonderland

I lay in the cold bed. Best way to sleep is in the cold! I'm drowsy but i don't want to sleep!!! My head just lays on the pillow, eyes wide open, thinking and waiting to enter into a world of dreams in this Winter Wonderland. Everything is so boring now...

I hear a bang against my window and jump. What the hell was that!? I hear it again, BANG! Oh gosh... I open my blinds a wee bit just to see all the commotion. The thing is, I can't see the outside. There's a white wall in front of me. Who's throwing snowballs at my window at this hour? Opening the second blinds I see a man... He's tall, he wears a scarf and a long coat. Just like the one Sherlock wears. He's about to throw another snowball, "Tom!" Yes, it's my boyfriend Tom. Tom Hiddleston. The Tom Hiddleston. He decided on his break that he would live here in Canada. His bright icy blue eyes look up popping out because of the pure white snow. He smiles, then waves. He motions me to come down and outside. I point a finger up. One second, I'm coming! I mouth. I go to get changed.

Grabbing my long coat, mits, and hat, i open the door. A breeze of marching snowflakes enter into my home. I get a chill. It's so cold! Stepping outside i turn to lock the door. I quickly turn my head around and see Tom bowing and opening a big black umbrella.

"My lady, Katerina," He bows his head, "Care for a walk with me?" He looks back up holding out his hands. "I hope it isn't too late,"

"Yes, I would really like to," I grin at him taking his hand. I thought my mitten would keep my hand warm but it seems like Tom's hand does a better job.

The snowflakes are giant! Winter is my favourite season sometimes for this reason! Tom walks down the street with me in the night, all the street lamps glow and I see lights hanging off the buildings while we enter into the old town. I smile and look up at Tom. He looks down to me giving me the sweetest grin. It makes me want to drink hot chocolate. I hear something... Music playing? No. Singing? I can't really hear it properly. Wait a second... That's just Tom humming! I always found it cute when he started singing or humming. Though he wasn't the best at it. I laugh in the inside. He hums an old love song from the 1940's. He always would sing this to me when we first going out. It was my favourite! I was always into those kind of songs. Why is he singing it now though?

"Laaaa, and we twirrrrrled in the snow while...~," He starts singing out loud now and i lean against his shoulder starting to sing along with him. He picks me up, we both still singing and spins me. As we land he kisses my lips.

"Enjoying your walk, darling?" He's close to my face and i kiss his chilly red nose.

"Yes, of course I am, though this is really random." I wrap my hands around his neck.

"See that cafe over there?" He points behind me. I turn around. It's the old cafe where we first met when he came to Canada to film a movie. He was drinking tea and i bought a coffee. I rememeber I was so excited when i met him, I looked up to him but never was in love with him. We were chatting and stuff which was cool, but just as normal people would. I asked him about his job at first but i thought maybe to changes things up and just you know, talk. He told me he was there and preferred tea over coffee and he talked about is personal life to me. It was a deep conversation. In the end we exchanged numbers. and said are goodbyes. We kept in touch by email, calling, texting, everything. Even skyping.

I turn back around, " are you hear to refresh memories and buy us some tea-" I stop talking. I see Tom on his knees on the snow without a care. There was a case in his hands. Tom, is this really happening! I cover my mouth as he sets down the umbrella and opens the mini box. A sparkle from the box appears as if they were part of the snow, if dropped, it could easily get lost.

"Katerina..." I stare at him shuffling in snow getting comfortable. "Will you... Marry me?" His warm smile melts everything around us and we are the only focus. I pull his scarf in toward me with my hands and kiss him.

"Yes Tom! Yes! I would be delighted!!" He stands up and slips the diamond ring around my finger. We hugged and kissed that night. The rest of the night continued with a stroll and a visit to the old cafe. This was my new beginning. Our new beginning. Soon to be Mrs. Hiddleston.

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