I Just Met Him

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Authors note: this imagine shows how we'd probably act if we met Tom on a plane realistically. Just saying lol. Enjoy ___________________________I just sit there waiting to arrive at my destination. But sadly that's wayyy to far from now. The plane has not even taken off haha! I'm heading to France to do some touring and photographs. But, I wanna stop in England and then take a train into France. I feel like it would be more of an adventure!
"Attention all passengers, please take your seats; we will be leaving in 15 minutes"
Oh yes! Finally! We are gonna be off soon. And a bonus: I have no one sitting beside me! Well at least I think so. Hopefully. I kinda want space to review my work and plans for France.

I look down at my phone looking through some pictures I took with my friends before I got on the plane. Then I came across a Tom Hiddleston photo in my album. I'm a fan of Hiddleston yes. I just can't help it and smile at my phone. How can you not?

And just like that I hear of voice coming from beside me. "Hello, sorry to bother you but... No one sitting here right?" I turn over and see a tall man in cow boy boots, sunglasses, and a hoodie. That's Tom Hiddleston! What! I think I'm just day dreaming or something, like what the heck just happened. I hope he didn't see me staring at a picture of him.

"Um- no there is no one sitting here," I stutter on my words.
"Okay good, then this is my seat, "he sits down right beside me and a whiff of his smell fills my nose. I don't think I can contain my inner fangirl, but I don't want to be rude to him. I heard he's such a nice guy in person as well as on camera. To disrespect that would be unfair to him.

Silence for 5 minutes... I feel embarrassed and nervous to sit beside I guy who has never met me! Nor I met him (well until now). I want to leave but that would be completely rude of me, and I also don't want to leave because who would not want to sit beside Tom Hiddleston!

"Ladies and gentlemen, fasten your seatbelts we are about to take off." I hear clicks of people buckling there seatbelt and I notice Tom just did when I heard the click.
He turns toward me and noticed I didn't have my belt on.
"Make sure you buckle up eheheh!"
"Oh, yes, right, thanks," I'm forgetting how to do simple things...
"No problem," he faces straight again as the plane starts moving forward. I'm one step closer to France! And literally one step close to Tom.

I notice Tom is a bit fidgety. Is he nervous about taking off? Well that's new!
"You nervous?" I ask with my voice also shaking a bit.
"Just a bit. I travel a lot and still get butterflies every time we take off!" He laughs trying to calm himself down.
"It's always nerve racking when the plane goes up" I make a nervous laugh.
"That's true, you seem a bit nervous yourself!" He smiles. Well duh I'm nervous. But, not from taking off, it's from talking to you! You just appeared here too! I ain't prepared for this!
"Hehe yah," oh my gosh I sound like a dumbass.
The plane has finally found its spot in the air and we are on a smooth ride. Ladies come around serving beverages around the plane. One stops in front of us. "Can I help you with anything?"
"Yes sure, two waters please," Tom pays for the two waters and hands one over to me. What a gentleman!
"Oh thanks, you didn't have to,"
"It's okay, it's not much anyway. It's just water," I nod in agreement, " I'm Tom by the way," he puts his hand out. I just look at it. That's Tom. Wanting to shake my hand.
"Uh," awkward pause...
"Oh sorry I blanked out for a second! I'm Maddie!" I'm making a fool out of myself. He just laughs.
"It's very nice to meet to Maddie, lovely name!"
"Thank you so much! So where are you headed?"
" I'm heading to London for the holidays. I've been in America working of a film. "
"Oh interesting! You work with film? Very cool!" Act dumb Maddie, you know nothing about him. Oh this is so hard...
"Thank you. How about you?"
"Sorry?" Day dreaming again...
"Where are you heading?"
"Oh, I'm going to London and taking the train to France. I'm a photographer."
"Wow! That's awesome! Makes sense that your holding a camera case eheheh!" I look down. When was this here? All I see is Tom right now.
"If you don't mind, can I see some of your photographs? If you don't mind me asking too." He smiles, making me lost in thought.
"Yes! I mean no. Like I mean no I don't mind at all hehe!" Again Maddie, making yourself look like an idiot!
"Eheheheh cool, cool," I turn on my camera and show him a few pictures that I had took of some mountains in BC. We chat about them for a little while and he tells me they're beautiful. I don't know if this plane ride is going embarrassingly horrible or just plain great!

A few hours pass and it's dark out. I snap a picture of the outside through the window. As I turn back I see that Tom as fallen asleep. I am so privileged! I'm so tempted to take a picture of it but that would make me just plain creepy. He seems like he's enjoying his sleep, since he's been filming 'I Saw The Light' and previously filmed other movies without taking a vacation. This guy's passionate and a hard working!

I wake up to the sound of clapping. How long did I sleep for?
"Welcome ladies and gentlemen to England, please unfasten your seat belts." Did I just sleep and land without wearing my seatbelt?! I panic and look down at my bucked seat belt. What?
"It's okay love, I fastened it for you before the landing. You sleep though everything! I didn't want to disturb your deep sleep so I just did it myself."
"Oh thank you; something could have gone wrong. I could have been flying out of my seat and still be sleeping!" We both laugh.
"Eheheh, well, it was very nice to meet you Maddie, good luck with those photographs!"
"Thank you Tom," I blush a bit. He smiles and says goodbye. I see him walk ahead in the crowd of people. I just met Tom Hiddleston in the most bizarre way... I truly think my trip to Europe has been made and I haven't even stepped one foot off the plane. 😊 _________________________

This was just a random fun imagine. Let's face it, if this came true, we'd all act like embarrassing weirdos 😂

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