Welcome Home

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Being a mother is hard work, but it really is the best privilege! Right now You have to make supper, just some roast beef and rice. Nothing special. But cooking is really an art, why it takes so much effort and- "ouch!"

"Are you ok mummy?" A little boy tugs your shirt.

"Yes I am, thank you James sweetie" you pat your son on the head, "just burned my hand that's all, that's why you have to be careful in the kitchen! Where is your sister?"

" she's drawing,"

"Wanna get her? Dinner is almost ready and your Father is almost home,"

A little girl at the age of 6, two years older than James, walks into the room, "is he almost here! Ou I can't wait!" She giggles and looks out of the window waiter for her father, your grateful husband.

"Sit down Lilly, he's not here just yet,"

She turns around and skips to the couch as she plops herself on it.

*ding dong*

Your children gasp excitedly hoping it's their father. "One minute kids, let me get the door," you reach the door nob and open it slowly, it's Tom, your amazing wonderful husband and father of your children back from work.

"Hello sweetie," Tom smiles and kisses you on the cheek as he walks in the door with his suitcases.

"Hello honey," you smile and help him with the cases.

"Daddy! Daddy!" Both Lilly and James run up and hug Tom's long legs.

"Woahhh there! Hello you guys! Let me just put these down!" He drops the cases on the floor and picks up Lilly off the floor and swings her around, "hello my little princess!" She giggles, "how you do this fine evening," he bows at her.

"Hehehe! Great dad! Now we can eat supper!"

"Oh yes we can!" He then smiles and looks at James, "how is mah man!" He puts his hand out and James shakes it then gives him props,

"Good dad!"

"That's my boy," Tom ruffles his hair. Lastly he turns to you. "Oh Y/N Hiddleston, you look as beautiful has always," he smiles sweetly to you.

"Thank you darling," you smile back and he takes off his hat and sets it on the side. He then kisses you.

"Ewwww yuck!" Both your children run off.

"Eheheh!" Tom laughs, "they're adorable, I love them so much. And you of course," he touches your cheek for a second. All of a sudden you realizes that your food is done and cooking,

"Oh! Shoot!" You run to the kitchen and take everything out, Tom walks slowly and enters the kitchen. "I hope I didn't burn anything..."

"Ah, it looks great, everything you make is amazing."he hugs you from behind.

"Oh please," you laugh,"well, it's good to know someone likes my food no matter what!" He kisses you on the cheek again.

"Of course," he grins and you and your lovely family with Tom enjoy the rest of the evening together as a family. 💜

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