the last year of your life

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 My name is Silena CollinS, a blonde haired, gray eyed, 17 year old suffering from bad vibes-itis. Was adopted by the spawns of the devil himself, i mean, my foster parents with an equally annoying equally ugly foster brother whose face is full of chocolates every time i see him. i think when he sleeps he continually stuffs chocolate bars down his throat. LITERALLY. 

  i want to go to a place, away from here, these parents , away from this miserable life. Don't get me wrong, there are still slim chances that I might stay. one of them is this boy. He's not some jock who's good at sports or anything. He is just a normal boy who can seem invisible at the sidelines and has this smile that just lights up everything even his own eyes sparkles when he smiles. Ahhh you should have seen him, those blue green eyes dancing through the flicks of his dark hair. Seriously, i think i'm the only one who notices Luke White.

Second is my best friend Abby Grace. She's got this amazing red hair with those blue, blue eyes. She's good-looking alright but she likes to hang out with me because she likes to stay normal and all. She eats a lot (even has this sort of supply of food in every bag she carries) but has retained good shape. how she's done  that, I don't know.

Lastly, I feel I have some sort of power or something. that seems ambitious of me. but I can feel it. Those times when you feel like heating up and everything. Also, I got this bond with plants. So, I feel like I should enhance it or something. But you know, I don't know if this is true or its just a very good, intelligent guess or of course  a feeling.




 It's the end of our sem-break. And that means it's back to school we go. I walked up to our school gates and passed these hundred-year old trees that line the pathway to school. I saw Abby waiting by the doors and ran to catch up with her. I greeted her with our usual handshake and said "hey Ab".
 She smiled and linked her hands with mine and said "good morning Lena".

While walking to our lockers she talked about evrything that happened  during her sem-break. I just listened and nodded to everything she said. And as usual we had Homeroom together.

While Mrs. Colina droned on and on about her sem-break, I stole a glance and looked at Luke.(sigh). He looks as good as ever. I don't want to get caught looking at him, so I played with my magic to pass the time. I grew little vines and made it curly. And then I let little white flowers grow. I love my magic.


"Okay class dismissed" Mrs. Colina said

Abby bounded right next to me and said, "Aww, too bad I have to get Physics first"

I shrugged and said, "It's totally fine just see me during lunch"

"sure Lena, see ya later", Abby said

I sighed and looked at my schedule. Second period of the morning and I already have Algebra. So much for being optimistic. Hope food will be good at lunch.



Oh the joy of the sound of the bell before lunch starts! I rushed out the door and breezed in the cafeteria. And the special for today is PIZZA. The day is really looking up. I sniffed the air and smelled the lovely gooey cheese, peperoni and spices. I grabbed a tray and fell in line.

I saw this big guy wearing the complete "biker" look. Leather jacket, dark jeans and shades.

He shouted to this guy up front, "Move over nerd!'

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