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Right? It said that my uncle lives at the edge of Briarwood. And he is expecting me, the daughter of his little sister. Which is kind of amazing considering that I didn't know I even have remaining relatives, and an uncle? That's just so far fetched! But it is true. I hold the evidence in my hand.

After I celebrated around the park, I grabbed my bag and kind of sprinted towards my school. I can't wait to tell this to Abby! I can't imagine her reaction. But, yeah, Abby knows all about my suck-tastic life. And she's been very supportive about all of it.

There is something that's even Weirder waiting for me when I get to school.



Oh, shit! I'm late! So,much for that celebrating.

I entered the school grounds and ran all the way to the principal's secretary's office. Knocking softly on her door before entering. I swung her door and found Luke in one of the secretary's seats. OMG!!!! I may be the luckiest girl today!!!

I took one of the slips and sat down next to him.  Attempting to fill out the slip. Hmmm, what would be my reason for being late? How about waking up late? Yeah that should be okay. *sniff* I didn't know the secretary's office smelled like vanilla. Last time I checked it smelled like disinfectant. I looked for the source of the smell and found Luke looking at my slip. "Seems like I'm not the only one who woke up late", Luke looked at me and smiled shyly. "I'm Luke by the way", I wanted to say I already know but I stopped myself just in time. "Hey, Silena Collins", offering my hand out for him to shake.

"Nice name", he then shook my hand. His hand was smooth, like pianist's fingers. I smiled at him and broke free from his grasp. Though I didn't want to. 

"Mr. White!", oh, he's already called to the office.

"See you around? Lunch, maybe?", was Luke White asking me out for lunch? yesss!!!!

"uhh, yeah, sure, why not, I mean why wouldn't you, uh, right?", great I'm yammering nonsense. He waved at me before proceeding to the office. I love you strange letter!! You just offered me new life and a chance with Luke. Mwah mwah mwah!! mwahahahahahh

"Ms. Collins!", uh oh.


The secretary cheerily told me that all students in my grade level are in the auditorium. More embarassment, I just have to open the door a little bit and run to the nearest seats to Abby. There I can surely talk to her about this miraculous day.

Okay, little steps towards the door. Open a bit and ruun!

Whew! I just made it to a seat near Abby. But not near enough.

"Hey, dude, 5 bucks for switching places with me?", okay call me pricey but this is an emergency.

"Deal", yess, I handed him the money and sidled next to Abby. "Hey Ab, I got a lot to tell you"

"shhhh, there is something interesting going on", Abby raised her index finger to her lips to shush me. Fine, this better be good.

"Children we are happy to announce that this grade level shall have their own Spring Dance!", Deianira and her cronies applauded with matching giggles. Another event for them to show their ugly physique. Really, whats so interesting about that? We just get to dress up and dance, right? Then the principal launched into a stream of speeches about the event being the first in history, blah blah blah etcetera etcetera.

As what the principals saying dawned on me, that would seem weird and unlikely. Much more weirder than the event at breakfast time. Seriously, Stingy Briarwood High hosting a Spring Dance? They couldn't even buy new sets of sports equipment, let alone having a huge dance party.

There is something completely wrong about this woman. I mean, the principal. This is history right in front of all our faces. She has come to her senses of spending some money for the students' benefit.

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