Chapter 9 - Guardian

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"Ahhhhhhh!" Hanabi screams waking me up as she jump on me

"What is it!" I ask as I jump up

"There was someone in the bed" Hanabi says scared

"Get behind me" I tell Hanabi as I grab my sword, and walk to the bed, and slowly pull the cover back to reveal who was in the bed "I-Ino? What are you doing in my bed?"

"(Y/n)?" Ino says before she yawns and rubs her eyes

"I will ask again why were you in my bed with Hanabi?" I ask

"Hanabi? I thought I has cuddling up next to you" Ino says as she grows embarrassed

"I was on the floor. Plus how in the hell could you possibly get Hanabi and I confused?" I ask as I put my sword away

"It was dark, and I was already falling back asleep by the time I opened the door. So I just hopped into your bed. How was I supposed to know Hanabi was going to be in your bed?" Ino say as she gets off the bed, and looks up at me

"Alright I guess you have a point" I say

"(y/n) Im hungry" Hanabi says pulling on my shirt to get my attention "can we go get some breakfast?"

"That sounds like a great idea" Ino says as she runs out of my room

"Alright get dressed, and we will go get something to eat" I say as I walk out of the room, and go to the front room where Im greeted by Inoichi

"Good morning (y/n). How did you sleep?" He laughed to himself as he asked

"The floor sucks" I say as I glare at him

"What I didn't doing anything" Inoichi says playing innocent "so are you taking the girls out for breakfast or are you going to show them some of those famous cooking skills of yours"

"I don't know what your talking about" I say as Hanabi, and Ino come into the front room

"Are you ready to go?" Ino asks

"Yea are you?" Hanabi asks

"Yea lets go" I say as Ino and Hanabi leave the house, and I try to but Inoichi holds me back for a second

"You should make Ino lunch today, Like you did back when you guys were in the academy, she is going on a mission with team ten" Inoichi says

"I gu-" I get cut off

"(Y/n) hurry up!" Ino yells from outside

"I coming!" I yell as I walk out of the house "so where do you two want to go?"

"Hmm I don't know" Hanabi says

"I know!" Ino yells "Follow me"

"Alright" Hanabi says as she follows Ino, and I follow behind them

We come to a restaurant, and after we eat breakfast I pay, and we leave

"Hey (y/n) it's time for my training with Hinata" Hanabi says

"Ok. Uh hey Ino can you please do me a favor, and take Hanabi to the training field me? I forgot something back at the house, and I need to go grab it" I ask

"I guess I can, but can you please hurry I have to meet up with team ten" Ino says

"Here you go Hanabi" I hand Hanabi a Kunai

"What's with this symbol?" Hanabi points to a symbol on the handle

"It's so I can get back to you as soon as Im done at the house" I say

"Hurry up" Ino says as she and Hanabi start to walk towards the training fields

"Ok thank you!" I yell as I use the Flying Raijin to teleport to my sword, which was still in my room, and I run back into the front room

"(Y/n) what are you doing here?" Inoichi asks as I run past him, and into the kitchen. Inoichi walks into the Kitchen as I am taking food out of the refrigerator "so are you going to tell me what your doing?"

"I. fo. .no" my words were muffled because I had a egg in my mouth


"I said I'm making lunch for Ino"

"Oh I will let you get to it" Inoichi leaves the kitcken and I finish making Ino's lunch

"Alright see you later" I yell out to Inoichi before I teleport to where ever Hanabi put the kunai

As soon I reappear my natural instincts kick in, and I bend back word a little bit as a hand just barley misses my face

"(Y/n)?" Hinata says as she pulls her arm back "where did you come from?"

"I will explain in a second" I say as I run over to Ino "thank you for bring Hanabi here for me"

"It was no problem, but what did you forget back at the house?" Ino asks

"This" I hold up a lunch box

"You forgot your lunch?" Ino say

"Not quite" I say as I blush a little "I actually made it for you"

"You made it for me?" Ino asked as she blushed

"Y-yea" I say 'come on man get it together I just made Ino a lunch like I used to. So why am I get so nervous?'

"Thank you (y/n)!" Ino said as she hugged me "I will see you later" I ran off towards the gate of the village

As I turn around Im meet with and angry glare from Hanabi "what?"

"Why did you appear in front of me, and why did you give her a lunch?" Hanabi asks as she walked up to me

"I appeared in front of you because of my Flying Raijin Jutsu, and as for why I gave Ino a lunch that's none of your business" I say "now go back to your training"

"Um actually (y/n), I was wonder if you would help us train?" Hinata asks

"I guess I can" I say

"Ok good" Hanabi says as she ran back over to Hinata

"Here we come" they both say as the charge at me

I dodge both of their attack, and use the body flicker to quickly get behind them

"Surprise'' you say as you hit a chakra point in the back of their necks, but you catch them before they hit the ground. you lay them down on the ground "out cold. They will probably be out for a hour or two at the very least"

"I should probably get them somewhere that's not hard ground" I say as I look around for a place to take them, but then my right eye begins to hurt, and I get a headache as I fall to the ground from pain "d-damn it. T-this hasn't happened since t-the day"

"The day before I destroyed the Shinrin base, and killed Ryujin Namikaze"

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