Chapter 6 - Thunder God

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Ino's pov

I was summoned to the Hokage's office along with the rest of team ten

"You summoned us Lady Hokage?" I ask as we walk into the Hokage's office and Lady Hokage turns to us with a large smile that was filled with joy, but was laced with seriousness

"I have great news" Lady Hokage says as she walks over and hands Asuma Sensei a scroll "we have information that someone matching the discretion of (y/n) has been seen somewhere inside the land of water, and I would like the four of you to go investigate the sightings"

"Right" we all say as we head four the land of water

'It's been two years since you disappeared' I think to myself as we walk out of the gate 'I can't wait to see you again (y/n)'

"Hey Ino" Shikamaru calls to me as we head towards the land of water

"Yes Shikamaru" I answer him

"Why do you always wear (y/n)'s headband?" He asks

"It's because it gives-" I was cut off

"It gives us hope" Choji says as he grows smile as he looks out at the pond we stopped by "that at any given moment there is a chance that we could see our friend"

"Hope huh?" Asuma says as he walks in front of us "well lets all just hope that this isn't false information"

"Hope's all we have at this point" Shikamaru says as he stares at his reflection in the water "alright guys I think we should get going"

"Well this is the place were the guy matching (y/n)'s description has been seen" Asuma says

"Wow what happened here?" Choji asks as we come to a burnt down village in the land of water

"I don't know" I say as I look around the ruble "something doesn't feel right here"

"What are you afraid of ghost or something?" Shikamaru asks

"Shut up!" I yell as I throw a rock at him

"Why does something seem familiar about this place?" Choji asks

"You've been here before?" Shimamaru asks as he walks over to Choji

"No, but something feel familiar it" Choji says as he walks over to a large rock with engravings on it

"This is or should I say was Sun village" Asuma says as he sits on a large rock "this was were my sister and (y/n) lived before he came to the leaf village"

"What happened here?" I ask

"No one is really sure" Asuma says as he gets up

"So what do we do now?" Shikamaru asks as he walks over to Choji

"We head to the hidden mist village and ask around about our mystery man" Asuma gets up and puts on his bag, when we all hear a loud low pitched roar

"What in the hell was that?" Shikamaru asks as he and Choji jump away from engraved stone they were by "Choji what did you do?"

"I didn't do anything!" Choji shouts as the engraved stone sinks into the ground and lines in the ground, under our feet, begin to grow blue "all I did was read the stone I swear"

I see Asuma's face grow with concern as he looks at the lines on the ground

"That's all you had to do" Asuma says as he draws his Chakra blades "this is my sisters summoning jutsu"

"What summoning jutsu?" Choji shouts

"Something tells me were not going to like whatever's summoned" Shikamaru says as the light from the lines intensifies

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