The Sencens pt 3

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This chapter is dedicated to Team-Foster-Keefe1

Thank you so much for all of your support!! <3


Ella was aroused from her sleep by a bunch of giggling. She peeked open one eye, to see her youngest sister's face right in front of hers. "What do you want?" She groaned.

"Mommy and daddy are asleep, and Rose has a few ideas." Calla informed her. Which only made Ella groan even more and proceed to cover her face with a pillow. Her older sister was a true prankster, she and her friends were always getting into trouble- mostly because of her ideas.

"C'mon Miss party-pooper," Rose huffed from behind Calla. Setting aside the pillow, she gave her attention to her sisters.

Once, Rose explained her 'idea', Ella frowned.

"I really don't see how this is going to even work," she grumbled.

Rose patted her head,"That's because you lack my skills and imagination." Ella whacked her sisters hand that had messed up her hair. She sent her a death glare.

"We are gonna get in trouble," Calla giggled mischievously.


"Ugh, my nose is dying from this stench!" Ella complained for the billionth time. Her sisters and her were currently walking in the underground sewer tunnel of Ravagog.

"This is necessary," Rose scowled at her.

"I'm gonna die! How is that necessary?" Ella said letting out some fake tears, but her sister saw straight through it and just rolled her eyes.

"Well, I'll still be the youngest then," Calla chirped up.

Causing both of her older sisters to stop and exchange concerned glances with each other. Calla took notice of this, and giggled evilly.

"Anyways..." Rose said, "No one should even notice, we'll be back before then. Mom doesn't wake up first when she's with dad, and when dad wakes up he just lays there and holds mom til she wakes up."

"How do you even know that?"

"Sandor told me. Granted he didn't know why I wanted said information, but he gave it to me. Along with how goblin senses can be fooled."

"THEY CAN BE WHAT??!!!" Ella exclaimed.

''Sheesh, exactly what I just said." Rose grumbled rubbing her ears.

All three girls stopped when they heard something behind them. Ella whipped her head around, and froze.

Run. Run now. Ella transmitted to her sisters. And just like that, they all bolted down the tunnel. "What...w-was..." Calla huffed out in between breaths.

"Ogre guards."

"Mom and dad are sooo gonna kill us."

"Only if we get caught." 

"And lets face it, dad would be more proud than upset."

They each nodded their heads in agreement with that last one. Their dad was definitely good-humored and fun. Mom was too, she just had a bit more sense. 

The three Sencen girls ran as fast as they could in the tunnels... until they came to a dead end.

"Oh boy,'' Ella muttered as she slowly turned to stare at the guards gaining on them. They needed to get out of there fast.

And she felt her eyes light up as she had a idea that just might work....


"Well," Ella huffed as she and her sisters finally crawled back into bed an hour later. "That was a complete waste of time." She could tell Calla silently agreed with her, and Rose was annoyed her idea had gone down hill.

''At least mom and dad won't find out!" Calla chimed in.

"Mom and dad won't find out what ?" The girls turned to see both their parents in the doorway to their room.

"Um... that we-"


Everyone stared at Calla for a moment.

"Yeah... I'm pretty sure it wasn't that..." Keefe said with a raised eyebrow.

"That's because it was you."

"WHAT?!" Sophie turned her glare to her husband,"It was you the whole time?!''

He held his hands up in surrender,"Let's not get crazy sweetie," he said as he visibly gulped.


"Well... as a responsible father, I think we should focus on the matter of our children smelling like an Ogre sewer."

"How do you even know what that smells like?" Ella frowned.

"I followed your mother into the weirdest places."

"While your father's only concern is that you smell, I am concerned about what you three were thinking sneaking out in the Ogre kingdom at night!" Sophie said, shooting Keefe a pointed look when he opened his mouth to say something. He closed it. Smart man.

"We... had a moment of ...inspiration?" Rose asked weakly.

Keefe grinned at his oldest daughter,"Good job Rosie! What were you guys planning??" He asked it like an excited child on Christmas day.

"Keefe," Sophie said with a warning tone.

"Er...I mean, if you're going to have 'inspired' moments," He said quickly,"Do whatever it takes to not get caught."

"Way ahead of you dad," Calla said with a big smile.

"OK!! That's enough, everyone go to asleep now." Sophie said. Before leaving she added,"And next time, wear masks so that no one can recognize you- your parents already caused a lot of trouble for this city." She winked at her daughters before closing the door.

"They take after you," Sophie growled at Keefe before walking to her side of the bed.

"That they do, but they get their 'trouble magnets' from my lovely wife," he said cheekily. She sent him glare.

He sighed as he laid down,"You're not gonna forgive me for the custard bursts, are you?"


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