A Sencen Reunion pt 3

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This chapter is dedicated to Vivaldi26

Thank you for all your help and support!! <3


Keefe distantly heard his wife's yelling, and immediately panicked.

"Ella hurry! Grab him!!" Calla shrieked.

"I'm trying," Ella huffed back.

They were currently chasing Kenric Jr. around a lavishly furnished room. When he had gotten launched, he had luckily landed on one of the couches. However, it took so long for them to get unstuck- that he had managed to hide some where in the room. And now they were hunting for him.

"I see him! He's behind the couch!"

"How did he get over there?"

"That's what you're focusing on right now?"

"What? It was a contributing question to the situation."

"Sure it was dad, sure it was."

"We got a problem!" Rose shouted, she was breathing heavily in the doorway.

"What now?!" Ella exclaimed. "Mom just called for dinner."

They all gulped. "Don't tell me you still haven't found him!!"

"We did, but-" Rose interrupted her sister,"Let's just grab the kid and go!!"

"WE CAN'T!!" Calla screamed at the top of her lungs. "He's stuck behind the couch!"

"We're dead, we're dead, we're dead," Ella repeated over and over again.

Calla had tears in her eyes, "We lost the baby, mommy's never gonna give us human ice cream again!!"

Rose was pacing with a terrified look in her eyes,"I threw food on her for this!" She paled remembering her mother's face.

"Have kids, I said. It'll be great, I said." Keefe muttered to himself shaking his head.

"KEEFE, GIRLS, where are you?" Sophie called from somewhere downstairs.

"Kenric, mommy has dessert for you!" Calla called desperately. 

Less than a second later, appeared the small baby in his blue wonsie with alicorns on it. He was smiling and giggling happily.

Keefe rushed over and swooped him up, running downstairs as fast as possible to Sophie. She stood at the bottom of the grand stair case with his parents. Sophie had changed into a Midnight blue dress that had ruffles near the bottom and shoulders, her hair had been washed and restyled into messy bun.

"Hi my lovely wife, don't you look beautiful!" Keefe said nervously handing Kenric Jr. to her.

She cocked an eyebrow, "Yes, thanks to Rose- I had to borrow a dress."

Lady Gisela and Lord Cassius came up behind her and stared in horror at them. Sophie somehow managed to keep a straight face. Her husband and her daughters were covered in goop, glitter, and heaven knows what else.

"Excuse us, I believe they... got excited," Sophie said to her in-laws, while glancing at her family. "I think we should head home now..."

"Good idea," Lord Cassius said with a pointed look at his son. Keefe just rolled his eyes and strolled out of the house, with his loyal daughters following.


"What. Did. You. Do." Sophie demanded.

As soon as they were home, she handed Kenric Jr. to Sandor, and sat the rest of her family down on the couch. She didn't allow them to clean up, eat dinner, or anything- until she got an answer.

"What do you mean sweetheart?" Keefe asked.

She narrowed her eyes. It was common knowledge, that when Keefe brought out the cute names for her, he was guilty or planning something.

"Keefe Sencen. You know exactly what I mean." He gulped.

"We-" Everyone clamped a hand over Calla's mouth just in time to keep her from telling the truth.

"Calla honey, come here." Sophie said with a sickly sweet smile.

"Uh, she is really tired and doesn't feel like moving much." Keefe said quickly.

"Or talking much," Ella added.

"Calla. come. here. now." Calla scooted off the couch and approached her mother warily. Sophie sat in a chair facing Keefe and the girls, next to her was a plate of fresh made cookies.

"Here sweetie," She said handing Calla the whole plate of cookies.

"Um, Sophie- she'll be up really late with all the sugar..." Keefe trailed off at the look he got from his wife.

"My sweetie-pie wouldn't hide things from her mommy, now would she?" Sophie said in a cooing voice directed at her youngest daughter. Calla visibly gulped and looked rather guilty. "Have some more cookies honey, you're the honest one- you deserve it."

"WE LOST BABY KENRIC!! AND THEN WE HAD TO FIND HIM. AND ROSE HAD TO DISTRACT YOU!!" Calla wailed while crying. Sophie waited until she was done, before handing her tissues.

"Girls, go to your rooms- I need to talk with you father."

The three girls darted out of the room as if it was on fire, leaving their father to suffer their mother's wrath.

"Traitors," Keefe muttered.

"Keefe. Sencen." Sophie glared daggers into him, "You lost our baby at your parents' house? Why there of all places?!" she shook her head at him.

"Wait, you're mad I lost him there, not that I lost him in the first place?" Keefe asked in disbelief.

Sophie sighed at him, "Keefe I married you. You've lost all of our daughters before- granted they were older than Kenric Jr., but losing him at their house was by far the worst. Honestly, I expected you to lose him at some point."

Keefe sighed in relief.

He would live!

Sophie stood up and kissed him on the cheek, "You're still sleeping on the couch tonight though."

With that she walked out of the room, leaving no room for negotiation.

Honestly, what did you expect being married to Keefe Sencen? Sophie knew what to expect, but she wouldn't have it any other way.

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