Ch.13 Unsuspected Text Message

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From now on each chapter will be no less than 1.2 thousand words. 

Now, I bring to you, chapter 13!

Unedited BTW. 

Dana woke up in a strange spot on the floor of Taylor's bedroom. She crawled over a bit and saw Taylor in the floor asleep. "Ugh, Lauren" she groaned. "Yes?" Lauren replied quickly, as if she'd been up for a while. "Why am I in the floor" she asked. "Not sure, why are you" she asked and Dana rolled her eyes. She got up and started towards the door, "I'm gonna go get some breakfast" I said. "Kay, I'm coming too" Lauren responded with no hesitation and followed Dana down the stairs. "Hey, I wonder if Taylor's mom would let us use her car to go get some McDonald's or something" Lauren said. "Sure" a familiar voice said. They looked behind them to Taylor's mom sipping her coffee. "Whoa, really" Lauren asked. "Sure, just be careful, the keys are on the key rack" she said pointing at them and walked into the kitchen. "Hm, want to go" she asked. "No thanks" Dana said shaking my head.

"My phone" she said running up the stairs. "Get mine too". She came back down a minute later and tossed me my phone across the room. "Whoa thanks" she said. She left and I heard some rumbling from the den so I went to see if the guys were awake. She walked in slowly shutting the door behind me and slowly walked over to the couch.

The first person she saw was Grant on the couch only his boxers, but he looked cold so She put a blanket over him. I found his phone on the floor and unlocked it. "Grant want to take a selfie" She asked. "No" he groaned and I jumped, he laughed under his breath. "I thought you were asleep" Dana said. "You did didn't you" he asked smiling but his eyes were still closed. 

"I'll go" Dana said and started to walked out but he grabbed her arm. "No stay" he said and she sat beside the couch. "Want to give me a back massage" I asked and he shook his head. She rolled rolled eyes and took out my phone. 

"Why are you up so early" he asked, his voice was groggy. 

"I don't know". 

She heard chirping and looked out of the glass door to a little chubby yellow bird on the bird feeder. "Want to to go outside" She asked. He snorted and shook his head. 

"Oh come on, yeah you do" Dana said jumping up. "No". "Yes". "No". "Yes. "No. "Yes". "Ugh, fine" he said and threw the blanket off of him. She quickly jerked her head away, and when he realized he didn't have any clothes on he pulled the blanket back over him. 

She laughed and walked out on the back porch. 

It felt great outside, the birds were singing, and even though it was really warm, there was a slightly cold breeze. "Is there a reason you wanted me to come outside" Grant asked, fully dressed. "Yeah, isn't it pretty out" Dana asked. "Eh" he shrugged. She rolled her eyes and pulled him down the stairs, not literally. "We could have just jumped off the side" he laughed then he hit his arm. "Shut up, that wasn't funny". "You're right" he said nodding but trying his hardest not to smile. But then they both ended up laughing. 

They walked around in the short cut grass without shoes on. "Dana, this is boring" he said. "Why don't you go wake everyone else up" Dana said. "Cause they'd probably punch me in the face" he said. "You didn't punch me in the face", Dana said. He half smiled and nodded. 

"We should go throw Matthew's air mattress in the middle of the yard" he suggested. "Want to" Dana asked a little too excited. "No" he laughed. 

They walked around in the thick cool grass until they sat on a bench swing in the middle of two trees and there was a small water fountain with big gold fish behind them. She felt her phone vibrating and answered an incoming call from Lauren. "Hello" "I'm almost here, can you come open the front door for me" she asked. "Uh huh" "kay I'll be there in a sec" she said hanging up. "She's almost here and needs me to go open the door for her" She said. 

They hopped up from the bench and went back inside, just in time to catch her at the front door. She had a whole bunch of food with her and sat it on the counter. By then everyone was awake, and in the kitchen. "Dig in" she said, everyone took separate biscuits and took them in the living room. They ate while talking about random stuff and laughing, occasionally food spitting out of there mouths. 

Dana shook my head, their wittiness always made her laugh. 

Grant's phone suddenly buzzed, his eye widening. Everyone turned their heads towards him. "Erm, Lauren, when you're done eating could you take me home" he asked, his cheeks were a dark shade of red. He wasn't blushing, he seemed nervous. 

"Sure, what's up" she asked. "Oh nothing, I just" he tapped the corner of his phone on the counter while biting his lip and looked at Dana for backup. "His Aunt's pretty strict, he told her that he'd leave really early so" Dana lied, nodding, considering she aced Forensics everyone believed her. "Thanks" Grant whispered in her ear when he got up. "Welcome". 

"You ready" Lauren asked. Grant checked for his phone which was basically all he brought. "Dana, are you coming too" Lauren asked, her and Grant headed towards the door. "Um, yeah, I better" she replied and walked out of the door with them. 

When they all got in the car Grant let Dana sit up front, he was still really shaky.

Dana's phone buzzed for a sec in her hand and she noticed a text from Grant. She glanced into her side window and saw him with his hands through his hair letting out a big breathe.

Grant~ It's my uncle. 

I suddenly felt an emptiness in my stomach. I got very scared for him. It's pretty sad that just saying "It's my uncle" could mean so much. 

Me~ If he hurts you. Do not hesitate to dial 911

Grant~ He'll probably brake my phone

Me~ So, you run. I've seen the man, his stomach's bigger than honey boo boo's mom

She heard him chuckle and looked in the mirror to see him grinning at his phone. 

He didn't reply for a while, though. And when they got to his house, this was the last text he sent.

Grant~ To be honest. I don't know if I have the guts to. 

Grant opened the door and stuck his hands in his shorts, his face more red than ever. Dana unbuckled and ran out just in time before he walked inside. She grabbed his wrist before he could turn the door knob. "Grant wait" she said taking a breath. 

"If anything happens, I love you" she said. "I love you too" he said and engulfed her in a hug. He puled away after a few seconds and sighed. "Here we go" he said and twisted the door knob. "Be careful" Dana said letting go of his hand and Grant slipped through the door. 

She turned around and started walking until she heard a loud crash and bang. The noise sounded like the inside of the house was collapsing. Her face turned ghost white when she looked at the door and Lauren came running to her. "What the-, what's going on in there" Lauren asked. 

Dana shook her head. Lauren could tell Dana was really upset, getting a pretty good understanding of what was happening. "Let's go" Lauren said. Dana nodded and walked in front of Lauren who had her hand on Dana's back. 

All it took was a shattering window and Dana dialed 911 immediately. They were there in less than minutes. 

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