Ch.17 Major Depression

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Please check out the video on the sidebar, I speant a lot of time on it!

Dana didn't want to admit to any of this. Grant leaving just didn't seem to be real. But it very much was.

"Dana, you have to get out of this slump" Dana's mom explained, Dana turned up the volume. "I'm turning up the volume when you speak" she sang. "I know you aren't fine, you need to tell me about it" she said.

"Mom, I don't know what you're talking about" she chuckled and scanned through the local listings. Her mom walked over to the TV and hit power and tapped the DirecTV symbol that was glowing blue then disappeared. "I was watching that" she said agitated.

"Dana, you're talking out of your butt" her mom said sitting on her bed. Dana laughed, "what does that mean" I asked. "Meaning, you're talkin bull crap". Dana bit her lip and shook her head.

"I don't know what this is about but I was really watching something" she said hitting the power button on the remote but her mom snatched it from her hand. "Hey" she spat. "No TV, we need to talk" her mom said, trying her very best to get her undivided attention.

Dana sighed and crossed her arms. "Why aren't you upset he's leaving" she asked. Dana raised her right brow, "Grant? I don't know. I mean yeah it's sad but I can't do anything about it" she said. "But you love him, right?" Dana shook her head rapidly like it didn't even make her think. "So, when he's gone, you're gonna be just fine?" Dana nodded. Her mom got really emotional.

"Mom, for peetes sake, man up" she said. Her mom smirked. "Dana, I just can't stand to see you after he leaves" she said shaking her head. "What? why" she asked suddenly focusing fully onto her. "You're suffering from a clinical major depression. To where your heart is telling you everything is fine" she said. "So, what's bad about that" Dana asked with a slight shrug. "Cause your heart is lying. Don't you see? The one you love is leaving your life forever" she said. Dana bit her lip and looked down. "And when he's gone" she started, but it was too much to bare. "It's fine mom" she mumbled.

Her mom nodded and stood up, "here" she said tossing her the remote. "Thanks" she whispered but her mom had already left the room.

She didn't understand much about this, 'major depression' so she quickly snatched her laptop computer and opened Google chrome.

When the white screen fully loaded she entered in the URL, Major Depression.

On the side was a small box with a description under the bolder words. She read "True clinical depression is a mood disorder in which feelings of sadness, loss, anger, or frustration-". She looked underneath the description and hit the word 'Causes' which brought her to a new tab.

She scrolled down a little and read "Drug or Abuse, no. Certain medical conditions, long term pain, somewhat. Sleeping Problems, yes considering she only got about four hours of sleep a night. And the last on really opened her eyes.

"Stressful life events, such as death or illness of someone close to you, divorce, childhood abuse or neglect, loneliness (common in the elderly), relationship breakup". She covered her mouth and shook her head. "She was right" she said shutting her laptop. "I hate it when she's right" she laid the laptop on the table by her bed and put her hands on her stomach.

She laid there trying to get some sleep, because suddenly he wanted to do everything and anything she could for it to go away. But as she was drifting off she got a phone call.

She leaned over and rummaged her bed sheets for her phone and she ended up sitting on it. In no hesitation she answered the phone not checking the caller i.d.

"Hello" she said, it sounded like a question. "Dana, hey" somebody said. "Who is this" she said fixing her hair that was in her face and parted it behind her head. "It's Grant" Grant laughed. "Oh, hi" she said really excited. "Hey, what's up". "Nothing, lying in bed" she said.

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