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The girls decided that maybe it wasn't best to be on Tinder while in public. What if someone saw them? The three of them returned to their shared apartment and sat in the small kitchen, all eyes on Hayley as she swiped left on almost every profile she came across.

They forced her to read every bio for the fellow Tinder users she was given. None of them were cute. She wasn't one to care more about looks than personality, but that was somewhat important when searching for someone to have a quick fling with.

"Pete: I once drank my own piss." That's all? What kind of bio is that? Left swipe.

She didn't bother reading every person's biography. The photos they used could make or break them in Hayley's eyes.

"Brendon: Looking for someone to join my boyfriend and I, let me know if you're interested." One dick was enough for her. Left swipe.

"Kellin: My friends say I scream like a girl, but I promise I can make you scream, girl ;)" Left swipe.

Hayley could only take so much before she feared she'd be facing carpal tunnel due to the repetitive swiping motion.

"Hayley, look! Someone liked your profile!" Lynn excitedly exclaimed. Hayley's excitement wasn't even half of what her friend's was. In reality, zero excitement was being shown by Hayley.

The orange-haired girl took her time in clicking the tab of the app that led her to the male that hadn't just liked her, but "superliked" her.

Everyone gathered around the phone once they noticed a change in Hayley's expression as soon as she saw the face of the man who had been compelled to give her profile a like.

"He's hot," Ashley mumbled.

Something about his profile especially gained Hayley's attention. She wasn't completely sure what it was. Perhaps it was the fact that he wasn't trying so hard in his pictures, perhaps because the location said he was just 3 miles away. She disregarded the fact that he was four years older than her.

"What's his name?" Ashley asked.

"Taylor: No, I won't send you dick pics unless you buy me dinner first." Thanks? Swipe...right.

It only took two and a half minutes for Taylor to message her. By then, Hayley had managed to sneak to her room.

Taylor: You're probably told this by every guy you meet, but I just wanted you to know that you're very pretty.

One message in and Hayley was already blushing.

Hayley: Well thank you. You're not so bad yourself ;)

No, oh no. A winky-face? Great. She had been hoping for this stranger to resist from showing any creepiness but she was now the one initiating it.

Taylor: Haha. So, tell me, what's someone like you doing here on Tinder? I'm sure guys are all over you.

Thank God he wasn't scared off due to her weird flirting. That wasn't the first time someone used a pickup line like that in an attempt to get her. It was just the first time it was "Tinder" instead of a cheap bar that she had somehow ended up in.

Hayley: To make a long story short, my friends made me join Tinder. Just tonight, actually.

Taylor: Oh yeah? How many matches have you made so far?

Hayley: You're my only one so far, actually.

Taylor: Is that so? I guess I'm special, then.

When Hayley didn't respond immediately, Taylor sent her a second message.

Taylor: You know, I'd love to take you out on a date sometime. By all means, feel free to refuse if you'd rather not or have too much going on. I can give you my number if it's any easier.

Hayley's eyes widened once she read the entirety of the second message.

Hayley: I haven't been on a date in a long time, but I'd love to. Give me your number.

The two exchanged numbers and Hayley promised him that she'd text him first thing in the morning. She told him that the reason for her not texting him immediately was because she was exhausted and desperately needed sleep. Though that was partially true, the main reason was that she needed to talk to her friends about it first.

When the morning came around, she spoke to her friends. What was best? Continue talking to him and give him a try or completely disregard all they had talked about the night before, forgetting all about him?

And she received the same reaction from both of her roommates; talk to him, go on a date with him, get laid.

So why not?

Hayley: Guess who.

Taylor: I'm going to guess...not a girl I met on tinder whose name is Hayley

Hayley: Oh, shut up.

Taylor: Feisty, huh? Wink wink.

Hayley wanted a date (and for someone to dick her down) but Taylor was too busy being weird.

Hayley: If I'm correct, you mentioned a date last night.

Taylor: About that, I actually asked another lady out, soz :-/

Hayley: Oh...

Taylor: I'm messing with you, come on. You free tomorrow night?

She nearly shrieked out of excitement.

Hayley: Yes, yes I am.

Taylor: Awesome. I'm not gonna tell you where we're going. All I'll tell you is that you shouldn't dress too nice. You can if you really want to, but it won't be too fancy. Might look weird showing up to where we're going in some snazzy clothes.

Hayley spent the rest of the day, along with the majority of the following day figuring out what she'd wear, how she'd look, how she'd act.

She needed tips from her friends on how to behave. It had been too long since she had gotten laid and she needed to know what to do.

After plenty of nervousness and doing (and redoing) her makeup, the time had come. It was finally time for the date.

Hayley didn't fully realize how attractive the man she had spoken to was until he stood on the doormat of her apartment, leaning against the frame of the door with a smirk on his face.


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