Final Statement

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Taylor spent his entire day preparing a final statement. He had to choose between his career and his relationship, both being separate parts of his life that he valued deeply.

When the time came, he sat in the same spot he had been in the day earlier. Hayley was beside him, but the two did not make eye contact.

"Mr. York, we are interested in hearing your final statement. Is it alright if we record it?"

"Yes," he answered.

He soon started with, "I met Miss Williams in August of this year. I had no knowledge of the fact that she would be attending this university, let alone be my student. My, uh, hookup with Hayley was meant to be nothing more than just that. One night, never see her again. But God works in mysterious ways. So when I saw her in my class, it was as if God was telling me what to do. Every sign pointed me to her," he said, hoping to possibly change the opinions of the other men by bringing up God. "I gave in and made our relationship intimate, which I realize is inappropriate considering she was my student by this point. But I never let this get in the way of my teaching. Our relationship has never influenced my grading. I'm sure that if any of you were to read the papers she's handed in this semester, you would be amazed to discover how excellent of a writer she is. I understand the consequences of my actions. I understand that this is unacceptable of me and that, um, Part 4, Chapter 1 of the university's handbook states that I will be reprimanded for my violation of the school rules. I'm aware that my punishment could be a suspension, or even complete dismissal. Although, I hope that you gentlemen are not interested in dismissing me completely."

He let out a shaky breath before adding, "With all that being said, I do not entirely agree with these rules. Miss Williams is of age and our relationship has been entirely consensual. I have never pushed her beyond her boundaries, nor have I viewed her differently due to our relationship. If the university chooses to make this statement public, well, that's their choice. But I can promise you all that this will never happen again with another student, even though I don't completely agree with these rules that have been set in place. Hayley was an exception. I am willing to take a probationary leave of absence if the university would like me to, but as I said, I understand if complete termination is chosen instead."

"Mr. York, we do not want to fire y--"

"Because I am not ending my relationship with Miss Williams over this."

Everyone looked at Taylor with wide eyes, Hayley included.

"I'm a good teacher. You know it, I know it, I'm sure plenty of my students would agree too. So to punish me and strip these students of the education they deserve is ridiculous, is it not?" Taylor argued, leaving the men (and Hayley) speechless.

"Mr. York, why are you doing this? Is it out of love for Miss Williams?" He was asked.

"Sir, I never said that. I'm making a statement, that is all. I'm trying to express my disapproval for these rules. Nothing more," Taylor responded. He wasn't going to use such a strong word to describe his feelings, not now at least.

"Well, I think we need time to discuss what will be done about this. Anything to say, Miss?"

Hayley slowly shook her head.

"Okay, well...we will see you two tomorrow. Same time."

Taylor didn't regret a single thing that he had said during the meeting.

Following the meeting, Hayley walked alongside Taylor. The girl broke the silence when she asked, "Do you love me?"

Taylor stopped walking and turned to face her. He didn't want to lie to her, but he feared that the truth would make everything he had done all for nothing. The truth was, not even he knew the answer to that question. Though he had previously told Hayley that he had fallen for her, this chain of events seemed to have changed everything. Or maybe it only brought them closer.

"I didn't say that. I'm confused about my feelings, Hayley. We just started dating."

"Okay, you're right. I'm sorry for everything. This is all my fault."

Taylor noticed the way that Hayley suddenly appeared upset and based on her words, felt guilty too. He let out a sigh and took a step closer to her, his arm wrapping around her shoulders.

"Stop that. I'm not breaking up with you."

"You're not?" She asked, surprised.

"No way. Did you not listen to what I said during the meeting? I may be upset, but I'm not breaking up with you. Get used to me."

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