Bad News

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"Oh, Oh! Show me those plant powers of yours! You know, the vines and the flower around your head!" Drakken rolled his eyes.

"I've already told you Lucre, I got rid of the petals a couple months ago."

"Ooh! Right, right, right! Show me the Vines then!" Drakken would show him the vines alright... to strangle Lucre. But instead he thought about them rising to the cieling, and when they did Frugal gasped. He blocked out him yammering and looked out the barred window.

Where is she? He wondered looking out into the darkness. Just then footsteps sounded from the cell door and hope rised in his chest. Perhaps she has decided to go with the direct approach! He thought to himself, while Frugal was still blabbering, he rushed to the door.

"Shego!" A guard who was definitely NOT Shego looked at him coldly.

"You got some mail, Drew."

"It's Dr. Drakken." He corrected as his vines whipped the already opened letters from the guards hands. He smirked at Drakken as he walked away.

"See for yourself." A confused expression crossed his light blue face.

"What did he mean by that...?" He mumbled.

"You were a college dropout?" asked Frugal Lucre from behind him who was looking over Drakken's shoulder to read the letter. He whipped around and glared at him

"They let me in, I let myself out! And- what did you say?" He pointed at the letter in his hands. He turned back to the paper and read it.

Dear Mr. Lipsky,

I have written this letter to inform you, that I was watching the evening news, when I noticed the reporter addressed you as Dr.Drakken. Your college education was incomplete, therefore, you never earned the title 'doctor.' When you changed your name it included the title in it. Thus, your name change is null and void. To reclaim the name 'Dr. Drakken,' You must complete three months worth of college. The one you were accepted to previously, has been shut down. One school you were accepted to remains; Upperton Community College. 

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