Kiss the Cook

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Kiss the Cook

“How do you already have a date?” Grace asked incredulously as Brynn stood watch over the mixer.

“I asked.” Brynn shrugged. Grace was trying to teach Brynn the difference between batter that wasn't yet done mixing and batter that was perfect. Brynn wasn't really getting it but, then again, she wasn't really trying all that hard.

“You've been here all of two days.” Grace shook her head. “I mean, I like Leo dearly but this is a little too fast.”

“You're just slow, Grace.” Brynn smirked. “Why don't you put the older brother out of his misery and ask him out?”

“Lance?” Grace shook her head. “Brynn, don't be silly. Lance is just a friend.”

“Not by his choice.” Brynn said but Grace had already turned around at the sound of the door to the bakery opening.

“Coming!” Grace called as she walked to the door. “Watch the batter, Brynn.”

“Yeah, yeah...” Brynn mumbled as she watched the chocolate cupcake batter churn evenly in the big mixer. Lance had already been in that morning, looking for his customary donuts. He had flirted outrageously with Grace, again, who was completely oblivious, again.


Brynn turned to see Leo walking into the kitchen and she grinned. She could still feel his lips on her fingers and found herself wanting to feel it again. But she refused to act like some giddy school girl so she quipped, “Sorry, kitchen is for employees only.”

“My boss is up front grabbing some muffins for the garage.” Leo joined her at the mixer. “I thought I would come see how you were doing.”

“I'm miserable, thanks for asking.” Brynn smiled sardonically.

“Why?” Leo smiled at her. “I would think working in a bakery would be a dream come true. Surrounded by all the sweets you could ever want? That has to be fun. That batter is done by the way.”

“'Working' isn't a dream of mine.” Brynn raised an eyebrow curiously as Leo shut off the mixer. “My dream is to live in a palace surrounded by my loyal servants. How did you know it was done?”

Leo laughed. “The texture. Its thickened up pretty well. “

Leo watched Brynn consider the batter with an intense look on her face, like she was trying to figure out a difficult math problem. He wasn't sure exactly what had driven him to accept her offer for a date yesterday but he wasn't regretting it. He thought she looked like a cute contradiction wearing one of Grace's happy purple aprons with a smiling sun in the corner over a dark blue shirt and ripped jeans. She was still rude, something he didn't mind. Sarcastic, rude people, in his experience, tended to be more honest than others. Leo appreciated honesty.

Finally, Brynn shrugged. “Cooking isn't my thing.”

“So what is?” Leo asked.

Brynn turned from the mixer. “Getting into other people's business. I'm pretty good at that.”

“Nosy.” Leo nodded, understanding. “You look like you would be nosy.”

“What's that supposed to mean?” Brynn asked with a bit of a glare.

Leo didn't get a chance to answer because Grace opened the door and smiled at them. “Joe is ready to go, Leo.”

“Coming.” Leo reached up and flicked Brynn's nose gently. “See you later.”

“I don't need romance, you know.” Brynn told him as he walked away, not sure she was comfortable with the way he was treating her. It was suspiciously nice and sweet.

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