local badass saves the day

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so I'm tied to my favorite willow tree on the cliff that drops off to the ocean. The woods behind me by 5 feet.
I gaze up to face max, most evil thing since the brazen bull.

He holds a box of matches and a gallon of gasoline, a wicking smile stretched ear to ear, well this is a dicktard folks, a close minded, pyscotic pyrotenic dicktard.

"Hello sleeping beauty" he said smoolthy, voice like oil. "MAX LET ME GO, YOUVE DONE ENOUGH" I choke out, I realize that my throat it chained to the tree like a violent dog in a guys lawn. The metal collar is tight and its hard to  breath. "Ah-ah -ah, get violent and I'm going to have to do some trail blazing. He cackled with sheer delight as soon as he finished that sentence.

His laughing fit was jnterupted by the crushing of dead foliage, And a low, menacing growl. "Back away from the fox" I hear a familiar voice ring out. Michael.

Max makes the terrible mistake of lifting the match box and Michael tackles him, causing him to drop the matches. Michael morphs full wolf form and takes a bite out of max's leg, thrashing his head back and forth,  he is somehow knocked loose, and he shifts back to semi human form, keeping his claws and his longer fangs. He lounchws again teeth grit and claws moving with incredible speed. He gets a gut and face full of punches (thank god his nose isn't broken).

Michael is punched so hard he is sent back a couple of feet, he shook his head lunging again picking up the matches before doing so. He forced max to the edge of the cliff, he struck the match and threw it on max, who ignited instantly, (that's why you don't mess with gasoline kids). And he took a step backwards screaming, the. Falling to his doom, he broke his ankle on the cliff's edge going down.

Michael frees zero and they hug. 
Then he leads zero to the clearing he was in about an hour ago.

(AMD ima continue this on another chapter)

written amoung the gaveyardWhere stories live. Discover now