Chapter One

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A/N: Hey guys!!!:) Just a heads up I am again re posting my story on here. I seem to be having a lot of problems with Wattpad lately and I apologize for the inconvenience it has caused. Hopefully everything is okay now.

I do hope you enjoy this story and if you like it please please PLEASE comment, vote, and even tell your Friends about it.!:) it would mean so much to me if y'all did.!

I am doing a cover contest which has officially started so if any of you want to join do so!:) the more the merrier:) or even if you know someone who might be interested let them know!:3

Who knows? if this story gets enough comments and votes I might even turn it into a series :)

So how about a question: If you could choose any one book to read for the rest of your life and just that one book, which one would it be??

My answer= pride and prejudice!!:)

I am redoing the early chapters of this story and I have had help which was by GretchenBearer

She does this thing called ghostwriting and I thought I would give it a try.
I have added some things and taken away certain stuff but she wrote it and I edited to make it fit.

I want to thank her so much for being patient with me:)

SO guys, tell me if you like this edited version better than the original or the original better than the edited:)

My thoughts filtered in like the early morning light, although they were half-consciously formed. My mother, who had been downstairs called from the bottom of the stairs, " Honey," her voice floated up the stairs, raising the feeling of dread I felt every morning at this time. "Breakfast is ready! It is time to get up."

I released a grown fit for the dead, rolling over blindly, slitting open an eyelid to glance quickly at the time. The digital clock flashed those three dreaded numbers at me, almost mockingly: It was hardly half-past six.

"Why?" I pleaded to the ceiling, "Why does she do this to me?"

I laid still, for half of a minute, and then flung my body into a flurry of motion. Shower first, as my daily routine dictated, and then I would decide on an outfit. Mood depending, I would apply makeup; Nothing more than a tad bit of lipgloss and a soft brushing of mascara. Sometimes eyeliner. Then I would fly down the stairs and into kitchen, just as my mother was placing breakfast on the table.

"You look gorgeous!" She exclaimed upon seeing me. I felt my face warm, and I was sure that my cheeks were caught in a rosy blush.

"It is the first day of school, you know." I looked down at my plate shyly. "Thank you."

She nodded understandingly, taking the seat across from me as I savagely dug into my meal of eggs and slightly overcooked bacon.

After the silence had stretched thin, with only the clanking of silverware and scraping of a clean plate to accompany it, my mom interrupted. "Are you nervous?"

I looked up, taking note of her familiar mix apprehension and maternal protectiveness painted onto her face.

"Of course I am nervous." I hesitated. "But don't worry about me. I know what is on your mind."

She sighed, looking away slightly. I reached across the table, squeezing her hand and running my fingers gently over her ring. "It is not your fault. We did what we had to. If we hadn't then who knows what could have happened." I sighed, shuddering just thinking about the what ifs.

She squeezed back tightly, tears glazing over her eyes, her mouth pinching slightly. "You are right of course, baby." she sniffed. "But your father-."

I interrupted sadly . "If dad hadn't gotten involved with the wrong people, he would still be here." They killed him, and threatened to kill us, hence the quick move across the country. "We don't know the full story. But what we do know is that dad was a good guy and we need to find out what actually happened."

He loved us." She said firmly, with conviction. He would have done anything for you." She glanced away.

"And you." I Added noting how she said just me and didn't even bother to include herself.

She let out a sigh saying, " of course sweetie of course."

I nodded, head muddled, eyes stinging, as I thought to myself, 'What really happened?' I stood up from the table, grabbing the dishes to busy my mind. 'And Why?'

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