Chapter Nine

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A/N: HEY🤗 guys! I am going to be doing a double update since I kinda slacked off last week which I apologize for by the way!!!:) :(
Also because this chapter is short since it's just a filler chapter. 😇

Good news is I have found the perfect title for ONE of my new stories and it's actually thanks to RockinGirl10123  . I enlisted her help and guys she's really amazing. She also entered my first cover contest and she entered two so one cover will be in this chapter and the other in the next.!😇😇😇😇

Question: do y'all like me doing these questions or no??????🤔

My answer: I want to know if y'all do or not so I know if I need to stop them or not LolXD




It was Friday afternoon, and I was currently reading to the little ones while their parents were off running errands. I had just finished reading Pocahontas, and asked Derek to bring out the DvD player and the TV.

I watched him as he was setting everything up, but quickly looked away when I felt his eyes on me and here I was hoping against hope that he hadn't noticed. Upon looking up from the ground I locked eyes with the ocean.

I swear, I could get lost in them in a matter of seconds.

They say that the eyes are the window to the soul and that is exactly what I felt.
Like  he was seeing into my soul, and I his.

That is how deep it was.

After what seemed like forever, I pulled my gaze away to set up the movie. It was Pocahontas of course, the first movie. I don't really care for the second one that much.
At least, not the end.
To be honest while I do enjoy the movies, they do get on my nerves. I mean they don't follow the history in the first one yet decide to in the second one.

"Will you turn out the lights?" I asked while turning to face him.

He opened his mouth about to say something, but I guess decided against it for he closed back up, shaking his head and did just as I asked.

Afterwards he came to sit beside me, throwing his arm around my shoulder.

I looked at him and he at me.

I felt something as we gazed into each others eyes... him smiling at me like.....

Snuggling up to him, getting comfortable as he threw a blanket over the both of us, a small smile graced my own lips as we watched one of the sweetest and saddest disney movies of all time.

As we sat watching the movie I thought what is happening?

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