Chapter Eight

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A/N: whoop!!!!! Another update oh yeah LolXD
Anyways this next cover is by MagesticTiger12  our second place winner.!:)

Y'all have no idea how hard is was to choose between this one and torizhu 's no joke!:) it was such a tough choice!

I sincerely hope y'all are enjoying my story and please y'all don't be scared to vote , comment and etc.! And also if y'all are enjoying the story please spread the word!:) 😇😇😇

That would mean so much to me guys!:)

Question: if you could have any animal in the world any at all which would you get????🐮🐶🐰🐵🐨🐥🐦

My answer: Probably either a Siberian Husky ( my dream dog) or a snow leopard I believe they are called🤔 they live up in snowy mountains LolXD

I would like to say how much I appreciate GretchenBearer  for all of the help she has offered and just for everything she has done. Helping me make this book better.:)

Anyways Again Enjoy!

Here is chapter Eight!:)


I jumped up and spun around ready to slap the person when they grabbed my wrist, stopping my hand from meeting their face and also let us not forget that this person was laughing.

"You scared me!' I clutched at my chest as I stared up at none other than Derek. "Why?"

He wiped fake tears from his eyes, his chuckles trailing off. "I wanted to have some fun."

I shot him a glare, and yet the look in his eyes never left.



I wish I knew for what though, what could he be waiting for? But then again with the way he was looking at me it was as though what he was waiting for was...


Why though?

Why me?

Clearing my throat I asked, "Can you please release my hand?"

He blinked, softening his grip and slowly, almost reluctantly, releasing me from some unknown force.

I glanced back up at him and asked, "What are you doing here?"

He ran a hand through his hair, replying with a shrug. "My mom owns this place. I come here everyday after school to help out and read to the anklebiters."

To say that I was shocked would be an understatement.

"What about you? What are you doing here?"

Blinking, I fought off whatever I was feeling and replied, "I'm actually here to talk to the owner, who apparently is you mother, about working here."

"Follow me. She's probably in the back office." I picked up my book about to put it back on the shelf when he stopped me saying, "Bring it with you. She won't mind."

Slowly, I hugged the book closer. "Thank you."

"Your welcome."

Again, he quirked up his lips into his famous smile. He headed into the office in the back to talk to his mom, with me following behind.

As I was walking I started to wonder what she was like. I mean, if her son was anything to go by, then I would have to say she must be sweet and caring and one of the nicest people you could ever know in a lifetime.

Stopping in front of the door, he knocked turning the doorknob and opening the said door.

"Hey, Mom," He stepped in, closing the door behind us.

A woman in her early thirties stood up and walked around the desk, facing us. "Who is this, Derek?" She asked with a quirks eyebrow, an all knowing smile gracing her lips.

She had the same exact eyes as her son. The only difference was that his hair was a shade darker than hers and he basically towered over her like he did me.

Stepping in front of Derek, I answered her. "My name is Serenity Hope. I came here to talk about working here. I love what you did with the place."

"Thank you," She replied, "I assume you love to read as well? And by the looks of it I can also assume you have great taste in literature." I blushed while looking down at the book I was holding.

"Yes, Pride and Prejudice is one of my favorites. I love Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy and the connection they have."

She nodded, apparently agreeing with me while letting out a soft chuckle, "I can already tell that I'm going to like you, your hired! And please," She smiled encouragingly, "Call me Miss. Davidson. If you need any help, just find me or my son."

"Thank you again, so much! Can I start tomorrow?" I was so excited I just had to ask.

"Of course, honey. And Derek?" She turned to look at him, it was as if they were having a silent conversation with their eyes.

I saw out of my peripheral him nodding and her eyes going wide in return.

I swear you could hear a pen drop in the room with how silent it was.

"Uh, Derek?" I asked feeling uncomfortable all of a sudden. He turned towards me briefly. "Im just going to go now, but thanks for everything. Thank you, Miss. Davidson."

"Your welcome, dear." She offered, before turning to resume her silent conversation with her son. Assuming they will actually talk once I was out of the room, I headed out of the office and closed the door.

My assumption was spot on. I could hear their voices already talking in whispered sentences on the other side.

I shrugged it off, walking out of the building to my car.

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