• Vinny •

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Walking into the Chameleon girls cabin in the dark of night felt just like bounding recklessly into the lair of a ferocious beast. I guess that's how all the great Greek heroes felt when they charged valiantly into danger to vanquish their foes... Or at least something like that? I decided for my own amusement. I had just started to scope out the room, making sure all the girls were out like lights, when Phillip walked into the dark cabin. "Pss, where are you?!"

I snuck up next to him easily and tapped his shoulder lightly. "I'm here... Ke--" He seemed to be surprised, not that I could blame him, and he jumped away slightly, placing a hand against his chest. Guess if I scared him too much, I'd be sending him to an early grave...

"Fuck, don't do that."

I rolled my eyes, but I doubt he could've seen it in the dark then pulled a small pocket-sized flashlight from my shorts and passed it to him. "Keep up. Make sure not to shine it on them... to be safe."

He played with the switch a bit before pointing at my pockets and asking, "You've packed anything else in there?"

I shook my head. "Nah, just this." I tossed him one of the small bottles of food coloring and gave a few instructions. "Make sure you put in enough for it to work. The girls keep their things in their bags beside their bunks." And with that, I carefully crept to the far side of the cabin.

I'd been entirely focused on my mission until I heard Phillip's voice call to me. "Hey, I found one." I glanced in the direction of the sound, only to hear the shuffling of covers as a girl groaned and rolled over, followed by the faint sound of skin against skin. One of the girls must've hit Phillip, and as hard as I tried not to find it funny since we could be caught, I still had to stifle a few giggles. Of course, a few giggles was much better than the roaring laughter that would have resulted had our predicament been slightly different.

"A few drops should be good," I said quietly, getting back into the proper mindset. "Doesn't take as much as you think." I grabbed a bottle of fancy shampoo from one of the bags myself and mixed in just enough food coloring. We were about halfway through the cabin when I arrived at the bunk of my intended victim. Oh, was I happy that she was a blonde. This was going to be a bitch to get out. 'No one would ever want me, eh? Let's see who wants you after this...' I glowered down at her and muttered under my breath, "Hmm... I think green might do you some good." I scoured her bag, searching for her hair products with a sense of warped righteousness. Green for the greedy little shit she was...

Phillip stood behind me, fidgeting with his flashlight as I doled out punishment. "You said your name was Vincenta. Where you from?" He asked as he moved closer and bent down to get a better look at what I was doing.

I peeked over at him, giving a brief answer. "California. San Diego specifically. Why?" I gently set the bottle of shampoo back where I'd found it and stood up.

"No reason." He turned the flashlight back on and walked away quietly.

I dropped a hand to my hip, pondering a thought for a moment. When I turned, a bit too recklessly it would seem, and accidently knocked a girl's phone off the table, my heart leapt violently into my chest. I cringed as it clattered loudly against the floor. "Oh, shit..."

One of the Chameleon girls, probably the owner of the aforementioned phone, sat up groggily, her eyes struggling to make out my form in the dark. "What the hell..." she started, but I didn't give her time to finish her thought.

"Run. Now," I hissed to Phillip and sprinted to the door.

"Hey! What do you think you're-" the girl shouted, but by then, I was far enough that her voice faded away to the silence of the night.

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