• Phillip •

11 1 16


Back pain, sore shoulders and a stiff neck, all the results of old age or a shit bed. I didn't expect that I'd be spending my morning avoiding balls to the face from a dodgeball match, followed by a battle royale in ping pong and various athletic sports. Even so, I dug into my pocket to grab hold of the phone just to check on the time, but I could only glare at the message that remained on the screen from last night.

I need to honestly find a way to get rid of this phone once I've found the person.

"I need a proper holiday," I said, sighing as I rub my face from frustration.

My first day here and already I'm a dead man walking. If anything, I'll need to get in contact with Gavin and have him pick me up before things get ugly. I'd also need to find the head office, but I'm assuming it's somewhere located in the north wing of the camp. So, whoever my stalker is, I honestly don't want these issues to become public.

I sighed once again as I placed the device back into my pocket and roamed the vast fields of the camp. If I have learnt anything from being born in a business family, is it's to always be prepared for the worse. You never know what would happen. Nevertheless, with how hungry I had become I was more than happy to see the entrance of the canteen appear as I walked through the doors; however, it seems people had other plans.

"Since when the fuck did I get so popular?" Ignoring the presence of the other campers, I felt the phone vibrate in my pockets as I pulled it out and glared at the screen to see messages appear one after the other. Each text received only angered me even more as I scroll through them.

Without much thought, I was not surprised that I had bumped into someone in the result of my carelessness but this, this was just too much.

"My bad." I heard him say as I look down at my blue shirt covered in spaghetti sauce. Although I know I'm also to be blamed for the collision, but this really puts the cherry on top.

Great, just fucking great, I thought.

Breathing in, I shut my eyes for a moment, attempting to calm my anger as best as I could. Slowly, I reopened my socket, glaring at the guy who barely reached my shoulders look back at me.

"My bad? You're fucking kidding me, mate. Your parents never taught you some proper manners?" Grinding my teeth together, I struggled to peacefully negotiate this outcome as I glared at him. "Especially to those you..." Lifting a piece of vegetables off my shoulders, I flick it away, "Barge into."  

Why was I so angry? How can I be so annoyed when I normally would've just shrugged this off? 

If everything that has occurred to me since the night of Adam death didn't leave such an open scar, maybe I would've responded better. Or, was it simply my lack of understanding, my naive way of thinking has landed me up petrified yet annoyed from an insufficient amount of information on this stalker of mine, that I'm placing my anger on a complete stranger?

"No they haven't," He said, pressing his lips together,"They aren't the teaching sort."

I knew he refused to acknowledge the mess he had caused, that gaze alone was enough proof. Not even an apologetic look to compensate on this, I couldn't help but scowl at the guy.

Leaning down to his height, I whispered, "Hmm, then should I do the honours on their behalf?" Sadly, I didn't have time to hear his response as the phone vibrates once again as I see the screen flash through my shorts. Unaware to me, I hadn't realised the confrontation I was having had caused a small gathering around us to appear as other campers started approaching us.

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