The Teasing Game

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(Dedicating this to Amy, my fellow Australian who was nice enough to come and say hi)

Hey guys! How have you all been? Well, i hope. Thanks for everyone that is still with this story even though I'm a terrible updater and upload at random intervals. I'm really sorry for that, but you can't plan when your creative. I don't want writing to turn into a chore, there is plenty of that in my life already. Its the only thing i can turn to when life is tough, its my getaway. I hope you guys understand that and be patient with me. 

So I'm really proud of this chapter, i think its one of my best even though not alot happens it still is a really important chapter because it will act as a catalyst for what's going to happpen next. That's all im going to say for now. 

So as always don't forget to vote, comment and fan if you like what your reading. That would both help the story and me out as a writer. 


Xoxo, Carla. 


Chapter 11: The Teasing Game

Leah didn’t kiss him back at first. But it only took a few more seconds of his perfect and forceful lips against hers for her to respond. She soon became lost in his being, for he was kissing her with everything he had. His kiss touched her bare soul, going beyond just skin, waking those feelings she tried so hard to bury. But the feelings were her, they were what made her, the foundations of her entire being. So how could she get rid of them? She couldn’t without getting rid of herself. Ignoring them was not an option either. The realization came with the kiss.

She didn’t know how she had managed to survive without him for the last two years. Yes survive because that’s all what she could do without him, she could only survive not live. He was pouring life into her, coloring her world with passion, hope and love. Movement and sound ceased to exist, all that was solid was Alex, he was keeping her alive and without him she knew that she was dead, that she was lifeless matter. She could walk, talk, hear and function. But she could not live. To feel, to see, to listen, to have a purpose she needed him to be in her world.

They were lost in other, trying to catch up on lost time spent apart. But eventually Alex had to break the kiss as he needed air. They breathed hard in perfect harmony, looking into each other’s eyes as their chests rose and fell violently. Leah’s heart was beating furiously against her chest, threatening to leave at any second.

Alex continued to stare at her as she struggled to catch her breath. Her hair was everywhere. Her face was pale, her lips swollen. He had never seen a more beautiful sight in his entire life. How could he resist her any longer? She was like gravity to him. Hell, she was gravity to him. When he looked at her everything made sense, everything fell into place. Without her his life would be only chaos. He knew this because that was what his life had been for the last two years. Chaos.

His gaze left her memorizing orbs and traveled to her lips. They tempted him to no end. And he knew that he was powerless against them, that if they spoke now he would fall and give them anything they wanted. He moved to them unconsciously. Wanting to feel them against his own once more. This time he slowly leaned in, giving her time to back away. But off course she didn’t, for she too wanted to feel his lips against hers. He gave her a gentle, slow but deep kiss, all the fury from earlier wiped away.

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