Be my husband (Sylys)

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*DISCLAIMER. I don't own any of the pictures*

I didn't sit in that lonely forest for long when I seen the dragon flying my way. I knew not to mess with a dragon, but as I went to hide I saw it had a person in it's claw.

"That's your prince, your Zephyr go to him help him" the voice that lead me here whispered. I called out his name as went quickly. I wasn't fast enough to catch him when the dragon dropped him. He hit many tree branches on the way down and then the ground. He was unconscious and hurt. Unsure what else to do I picked him up and took him to the nearest inn. I knew they wouldn't ask questions why a half celestial is carrying a injured half demon, and I knew they wouldn't care what he was.

I knew his kind wasn't allowed in Reedwealth. Apparently my father passed the law when I was baby. Never knew exactly why only thing father would say was they were dangerous and will cause harm to everyone. As I looked over his face he definitely was the man I dreamed of the only difference was the horns on his head. No wonder my parents didn't want me to know who he was or hated the idea of me wanting to know. I knew it wasn't because he was a man that's​ not unheard of with celestials or elves. We don't look at gender or age that way love is love regardless. Zephyr was definitely older then me exactly how much older isn't so easy demons don't age like humans or even elves. The same with celestials he was half demon, half human and handsome. Just as handsome as in my dreams. I was still having a hard time believing he was here with me. Like all celestials I had the ability to heal so I used a bit of that skill in hopes he would wake.

I caressed his face and whispered softly. Eventually he opened his eyes

"My angel" he whispered reaching up and caressing my face.

*Time skip*

I pulled away from kissing him. I knew I wanted to be his forever and he had already promised himself to me, but I wanted to make sure no one could come between us and separate us ever again. I looked deep into his brown with hints of red and gold eyes

"Zephyr my prince. Will you be my husband" I asked.

"I would be honored my angel" he smiled and kissed me again.

"I would like to as soon as possible that way no one can separate us" I said.

"As I would also. Do you know a priest that will preformed the wedding" he asked. Now that he asked I didn't, our Union is forbidden and no priest or any celestial would condone it.

"No, and I imagine you don't either" I answered.

"Correct, but I do have a friend who could, but he's not a priest"

"Would it be legal" I asked

"Maybe not in your god's eyes. I know celestials believe that a priest must preform the marriage to be recognized as a true union" he said.

"Don't care what they say anyways. They don't recognize my parents union or my exsistance. If I wasn't the elven king's son I would of been put to death long ago. Hell they wanted mother to end her pregnancy with me anyways" I said.

"I know. I was there the day you were born. I myself just a child but also a half blood. I looked like a human boy then and mother hid who my father was. When everyone found out your father tryed to protect me at first. Then my father killed what was left of mother's family. When my mother died your father banished me. It was his way to save me because anyone else would of killed me" he said

"Your mother her name was Cordelia right" I asked

"Yes she and your mother Evie were best friends. You must know she didn't want your father to banish me. She pleaded with him to let me stay there with you" he said.

"No as I said I dreamed of you and mom would never tell me who you were. Of course dad always got angry when I did ask. Just this morning I had drawn another picture of you after a dream and I asked her. She said you were just a dream" I sighed.

"I would like to see these picture you drew. We could go see my friend tomorrow if you wish" he said

"It seems fast but I would like to go now if possible" I said.

"Then we shall go" he smiled and we went. He had pulled the hood of his cloak over his head. No one seemed to pay any attention to us as we went back the way I had carried him. Once we crossed the border he took his cloak off and wrapped it around me.

"Are you hiding me" I asked.

"Partially because there are a few demons who should try to take you from me. More so if they know you're​ celestial. Even half celestial are prizes and can fetch a high price." he said.

"So I will have to hide whenever we're in Dark land" I asked.

He laughed "Just in certain areas like I would have to in Reedwealth" he said

"Once we're married you won't" I said I hated having to hide who I was.

"Trust me Sylys I'm only trying to protect you. Demon's don't care if they see something or someone they want they just take it. Well some demon's there are a few who would protect you for me" he said

"Your father" I asked

"Maybe, depends on his mood. He was the one who told me where you were though how I forgot is still a mystery" he said

"Do you think I'll meet him someday" I asked

"You did once. I would be proud to introduce you once we're married. Then I know he wouldn't hurt you" he said. We came to a city much like Reedwealth

"This is Istiolyn. Keep your head down. Whatever you do don't speak to anyone and don't let go of my hand" he said.

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