Together Again

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Genji marched solemnly through the dark, until he reached an open area, a field of sorts. He placed his angel delicately down as he communicated for a dropship to pick them up. As he ended the call, he felt a warm presence hugging him from the back. Her soft voice followed.
"Thank you, thank you Genji.." She held him tighter When she spoke his name.
"I too am in your thanks Angela, I'm sorry for not being as quick to help you.."His voiced gave a raspy loving tune;true care and love echoing through.
Angela got up weakly, and went around to sit on Genji's lap, straddling him and appearing taller than he was.
Genji placed a hand on her face, stroking the small groves of her beauty. His other hand was placed on her thigh-glut area. She blushed, but gave him a small nod to frisk her.
He didn't need a repeat for that.
Both his hands massaged and felt her thighs, feeling her curves, hungering to have her. He gave small pats on her gluts, worshiping every second. He ran his hands to her breast. Though they were covered by her suit, he still felt and played with them. He wanted her, but didn't wish to intrude.
Angela warped her arms around Genji. She pulls his mask off to witness his face. Unlike her's, His faced was scared and groovy. He blushed and faced his eyes down in embarrassment, but Angela giggled and felt and placed her hand on her lover's face.
She placed her forehead against his, opening her mouth and flexing her tongue in a lewd way. Genji raised an eyebrow, smiled, and plunged into Heaven.
Angela let herself lose, allowing herself to be dominated by Genji's kiss. He had hungered for her lips and now he wouldn't let them go. He squeezed her gluts and thighs, demanding for more.
But sadly, he retreated his kiss, letting a trail of saliva connect the two. He listened, hearing the roar of engines from afar. He held Angela close, as he awaited their ride, wishing to take their fun elsewhere...

Repairs were done to Genji and healing for Angela during the flight home. Angela smirked as a novice surgeon attempted to figure out how to clean and disinfect a taser wound. But the doctor couldn't keep it down as she saw Genji, her brave Oni, struggling with shots meant to heal his wounds quicker. As they returned home, Genji refused to let anyone interrogate or come close to him or his Angel. He only gave a quick "Leave us be." To D.Va when she questioned what had unfolded.
Angela laid on her bed, exhausted from her night's ordeal, but she giggled and squirmed as Genji attempted to unclothe her. Finally he succeeded, beholding her pure and beautiful form. He also removed the clothing from himself, Showing off his armor to its finest. He gave a questioning look to his lover, as he massaged her naked thighs, gluts and breast. Her face was hot, but she slowly nodded.

That night the two recollected lost years of wants, desires and love. They held each other close in a dance of love, giving pleasure and compassion at the same time. And when the two had finished their ordeal, Laying tired and exhausted. Genji kissed her forehead, and let his mechanical body warm her. When Angela touched his "naked" body, she felt living metal, a soul, from within.
The two slept easy that night. The Demon and the Angel kept close and warm in love. No force of Hell would separate them, for no evil could kill love like this.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2017 ⏰

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